読めないと恥ずかしい漢字 at Google Play market analyse

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読めないと恥ずかしい漢字 at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Developer: nullhouse
Price: 0 free
Current version: 3.0.0, last update: 2 years ago
First release : 05 Apr 2022
App size: 3 Mb
4.8 ( 5728 ratings )

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> 2.2k
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~ $ 900
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月極、更迭、定款、席巻、汎用、漸次、脆弱、督促...これを読めないと恥ずかしい?!◆◇祝 200万ダウンロード突破!◇◆完全無料の漢字クイズアプリです。☆人前で恥ずかしい思いをする前に!普段読めているつもりでも、意外と間違った読み方をしているかも?中には今まで知らなかった漢字も!?漢字クイズであなたの漢字力を試そう!☆ちょっとしたスキマ時間に脳トレ!1回10問なので、ちょっとした空き時間に頭の体操ができる!1問ごとにサクサク答え合わせをして、間違いをすぐに見つけよう!待ち時間の暇つぶしに、自分のペースで気軽に漢字の勉強!☆大満足の問題数!読み間違えがちな漢字を1500問以上収録!毎日こつこつ脳の特訓をしよう!☆覚えておきたい漢字をテーマ別に表示!ニュース・ビジネス・病院・お店など、日常で見かける漢字をカテゴリー別に分けて収録!様々な知識を身につけて、日常の会話に活かそう!☆飽きさせない仕組みで、どんどん学習!好成績だとトロフィーゲット!全問正解で金のトロフィーをコンプリートしよう!制限時間ありでハラハラドキドキ?!飽きずに漢字学習が出来る!(制限時間無しの設定も可能)意味が分からない漢字はその場ですぐに調べられる!☆タブレットにも対応済み!タブレットをサポートしていてレイアウトが最適化されているので、大きい文字やボタンで楽しく遊べる!大人数でわいわいプレイしよう!☆こんな人にオススメ!・漢字が好きな方・脳活をしたいシニアの方・ひらめき力を手に入れたい方・手軽に頭の体操をしたい方・スキマ時間の暇つぶしをしたい方・漢字や熟語をもっと知りたい方・毎日 脳トレをしたい方・注意力向上や、もの忘れ防止をしたい方・人前で恥をかく前に漢字を学びたい方ゲームであなたの漢字力を鍛えよう!この漢字アプリが簡単すぎるという方は→→姉妹アプリの『読めなくても恥ずかしくない難漢字』にトライ!https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zmako.kanji2Monthly, change, articles of incorporation, sweep, general purpose, gradual, vulnerable, reminder ...Is it embarrassing if you cant read this? !!◆ ◇ Celebration exceeded 2 million downloads! ◇ ◆It is a completely free kanji quiz app.☆ Before feeling embarrassed in public!Even if you think you can read it normally, you may have read it incorrectly.Some kanji I didnt know before! ??Test your kanji skills with the kanji quiz!☆ Brain training in a short time!Since there are 10 questions at a time, you can do brain teasers in a little spare time!Lets find mistakes immediately by matching the answers to each question quickly!Feel free to study kanji at your own pace to kill time while waiting!☆ The number of problems that are very satisfying!Contains over 1500 questions of kanji that are often misread!Lets practice the brain steadily every day!☆ Display the kanji you want to remember by theme!Kanji that you see in everyday life such as news, business, hospitals, shops, etc. are recorded by category!Lets acquire various knowledge and utilize it in daily conversation!☆ Learn more and more with a mechanism that will not get bored!Get a trophy if you get good results! Complete the gold trophy with all the correct answers!Is there a time limit and is it throbbing? !! You can learn kanji without getting bored! (It is possible to set no time limit)Kanji that you dont understand can be searched immediately on the spot!☆ Compatible with tablets!It supports tablets and has an optimized layout, soEnjoy playing with large letters and buttons!Lets play with a large number of people!☆ Recommended for people like this!・ Those who like kanji・ Seniors who want to have brain activity・ Those who want to get inspiration・ Those who want to do brain teasers easily・ Those who want to kill time・ Those who want to know more about kanji and idioms・ Those who want to do brain training every day・ Those who want to improve their attention and prevent forgetting things・ Those who want to learn kanji before being embarrassed in publicTrain your kanji skills in the game!If this kanji app is too easy →→Try the sister app "Difficult characters that are not embarrassing even if you cant read them"! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com. zmako.kanji2 軽微な問題を修正しました


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