Ready to discuss your experiences with other expectant and new mothers? Discover YooMum!, the app to meet moms like you!Together, you can exchange advice and tips about pregnancy and life with a baby!MEET OTHER FUTURE OR YOUNG MOMS DURING YOUR PREGNANCYBecause everything becomes simpler when you are well surrounded during your pregnancy, meet other mothers around you.When you are pregnant or a new mother, its always nicer to be able to chat with other young women who are going through or have had the same experience with their baby. ⢠Are you worried as your delivery approaches? ⢠Alone at home during your pregnancy or with your baby? ⢠Do you need advice on looking after your children, choosing a nanny or a crèche? Match with moms close to you using geolocation: chat, exchange information and tips for pregnancy and life with baby!JOIN COMMUNITIES ABOUT PREGNANCY AND LIFE WITH A BABYOn YooMum! moms talk to moms and between women, we discuss everything, even subjects that sometimes seem a little taboo: ⢠Fertility, pregnancy and childbirth: ovulation, IVF, PMA, twins, periods, contraception, miscarriage, epidural, episiotomy, cesarean section, gynecology, etc. ⢠Questions that arise before or after childbirth: breastfeeding or bottle feeding, what milk or diapers to choose, should you hire a nanny or fight for a place in daycare, what babysitting solution should you choose to look after your baby, etc.BENEFIT FROM GOOD DEALS FOR YOUR PREGNANCY AND YOUR BABYYooMum! it is also a caring community created by mothers for mothers. Discover the best addresses and tips in the community:⢠Good shopping deals ⢠Beauty & well-being⢠Family holidays⢠Good addresses⢠Activities for parents and children Discover a multitude of good deals whether you are expecting your first baby or are already a young parent. Moms and pregnant women share their favorites!See you soon on YooMum!