Yolla helps people call abroad since 2015. 9/10 users are satisfied with Yolla, 7/10 give us 5 stars.Yolla makes international calling affordable and helps people keep in touch with family and friends. We offer premium quality international phone calls at low rates. Call any country in the world to both landline & mobile and cut roaming fees. Invite friends to get credits for free international calls. Enjoy other features like international texting, mobile top-ups and more!WHY CHOOSE YOLLA? ☆ CHEAP INTERNATIONAL CALLSCall abroad for less – our rates start from $0.004/min. Unlike other calling apps, we have no shady subscriptions or hidden fees – only transparent per-minute pricing. You see the final cost on the screen. Your balance never expires. International calling has never been cheaper! ☆ PREMIUM QUALITY CALLSWe offer the best call quality. Enjoy clear audio and stable connection. Call India, Nigeria, Ethiopia or any country – you will feel no difference between international calling with Yolla and making a local call. ☆ INTERNATIONAL TEXTINGNo time to call abroad and need to drop a message ASAP? We have you covered. You can text now to almost any mobile in the world. Send international text to 150+ countries via Yolla. ☆ FREE INTERNATIONAL CALLSInvite friends to get free calls. Once your friend makes first payment, you both get extra $3. You can join our testing program to get more international calls for free. We also run promotions that give you extra bonuses for free calls. ☆ DISPLAY YOUR NUMBERBe yourself and keep your number. We show it to the people you call. Family and friends will know it is you. ☆ SAVE MONEYNeed to call abroad or call home from another country? Connect to any hotspot and avoid roaming fees. Save up to 90% on international calls vs. traditional carriers. Be it landline or mobile number you want to dial, we will offer you the cheapest rates possible. Our popular countries to call: India, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, USA, UK, Sudan and many more! ☆ EASY MOBILE RECHARGETop up any mobile number in 148 countries with low fees. With Yolla, you will have no problem sending airtime to anyone in the world. ☆ FREE APP-TO-APP CALLSJust like in any other internet calling service, all calls between Yolla users are free. And on top of all this, you also get video calls! ☆ STAY IN TOUCH WITH FAMILYWith Yolla you can make calls to your family and friends back home. Talk to family wherever you are. They dont even need Yolla, internet or even a smartphone. You are just one phone call away from your loved ones.☆ HELP YOUR FRIENDSInternational calling should be accessible to everyone. If your family or friends can’t top up their Yolla accounts, you can recharge their balance. Just purchase and send them Yolla credits.EASY TO USE:1. Install Yolla and sign up with phone number2. Add credits3. Type a number youd like to call or select a person from your contacts4. CallEXTRA FEATURES✓ Use your contact list✓ Referral program to earn credits for free international calls✓ One account & number for all devices✓ Buy credits via app or from our site✓ Optional auto top-ups, so you never run out of credit✓ 24/7 support always ready to help you with internet calling✓ Make a call via Wi-Fi to avoid roaming fees.✓ Free calls between Yolla usersWed love to hear your opinion:Rate our calling app and let us know if you like it!Get Yolla today and start talking more for less! Drop the doubt and start enjoying international calling! All you need is the Internet connection – WiFi, 4G, LTE, or 3G. Your friends and partners will see no difference but you will. Subscribe to our socials:https://www.facebook.com/yollacallshttps://www.instagram.com/Yollacalls/Any questions or suggestions? Please contact us at
[email protected] top-ups are now available for all users.We also made some minor improvements and bug fixes that enhance app performance and give you a better calling experience.