カラオケボックスに近いリアルな音質の本格カラオケが、スマホで手軽に楽しめるJOYSOUND公式アプリ『カラオケJOYSOUND+』。新曲はCD発売日より配信(一部楽曲を除きます)。1ヶ月利用券の購入で、すべての曲が歌い放題、採点し放題で録音もOK!みなさまに愛されてトータル750万ダウンロードを突破しました!【おもな機能】■無料でカラオケ15万曲の中から自分の好きな歌を選んで、1日3曲無料で歌えます。豊富な楽曲数はJOYSOUNDならでは!■分析採点Liteで音程やリズムを確認!自分の声とお手本音程をリアルタイムで比較できる分析採点Liteで、うまく歌えているところと苦手なところがひと目で分かる!■キーやテンポ変更キーやテンポ、ガイドメロディ音量も自分に合わせて変更可能です。■ガイドボーカルでレパートリー増うろ覚えの曲も、プロが歌うガイドボーカルと一緒に歌うことで、バッチリ覚えられます。■全国採点ランキング楽曲ごとの全国採点ランキングで全国の“歌うま”たちと競えます。【こんなシーンで大活躍!】■皆でカラオケに行く前に、今流行ってる曲をランキングや特集でチェック&練習■カラオケに行きたいけど余裕がない…そんな時にピッタリ!Bluetoothでスピーカーにつなげばお家がカラオケBOXに♪■自分の好きな曲を好きなだけ歌いたい!お家なら、周囲への気遣い不要!【1ヶ月利用券を購入すると…】■全曲歌って採点!15万曲以上+毎週100曲追加のすべて楽曲が、お店のJOYSOUNDに近いリアルな音質で、歌って採点し放題!プロが歌うお手本音声【ガイドボーカル】も配信(一部楽曲のみ)。■録音できる!利用券を持っていれば【録音】OK!採点しつつ録音&保存したカラオケデータは、いつでも音程グラフ映像と同時に確認することが可能!さらにエコーもかけられる!!※録音可能曲は毎月10曲。使わなければ翌月繰り越しも可能です。※端末の仕様により、一部のSHARP製、SONY製の端末では録音再生時のエコーが機能がご利用いただけません。ご了承ください(確認端末:AQUOS ZETA SH-03G / Xperia Z2 SO-03F)。■連続再生できる!プレイリストを使って、お気に入りの楽曲だけを連続再生!手間なく歌えるから、練習はもちろん、エクササイズや半身浴のお供にも使える!■広告表示をオフ!1ヶ月利用券をご購入中は一切広告ナシ。ストレスなくカラオケに集中できる!【さらにこんな機能も…】■Twitter投稿Twitterに自分の採点結果を、採点結果画面の画像付きで投稿できます。■Bluetooth対応ハンズフリーで楽しめるBluetoothに対応しています(再生のみ可、採点はできません)。■JOYSOUNDアプリ連携カラオケ店舗で予約送信ができる「キョクナビ」、無料で歌詞が見られる「カシレボ!」、お店で歌った履歴等が見られる「うたスキ」…など、JOYSOUNDアプリにワンボタンで移動!≫その他にも、練習に便利な機能を搭載!!【推奨環境】■端末:OSバージョン4.4以上にアップデート可能な端末■アプリ:Google Play Storeにて配信されている最新バージョンのアプリ※上記以外の環境での動作は保障いたしかねます。ご了承ください。※上記環境でも、端末の特性により動作しない場合があります。利用券ご購入前に、必ず無料再生/採点等をお試しください(広告動画をご覧いただくことで1日1曲お好きな曲を無料でご利用いただけます)。【料金】■1ヶ月利用券360円(税込)【ご注意】■利用券をご購入前に、「メニュー」>「設定」>「マイク設定」より、録音・採点機能をご確認していただくことを推奨します。■本アプリは、歌唱中のマイク・エコー機能は対応しておりません(録音音声にエコーをかけることは可能です)。■採点結果や録音データがずれる場合は、「設定」>「マイク設定」をお試しください。■サービスのご利用には、ネットワーク接続が必要です■フルコーラス再生や採点/録音機能のご利用には、利用券が必要です■メモリ不足が出る場合は、他のアプリを終了してから再度お試しください。■分析採点Lite/録音機能及びマイク&エコーをご利用の際は、必ずイヤホン又はイヤホンマイクを装着してください(未装着の場合はハウリングを起こしやすくなります)。■アプリ内で開催しているキャンペーンは、Google Inc.とは一切関係ございません。■運転中や電車など公共の場所では、マナーを守ってご使用ください。【著作権団体許諾番号】■JASRAC許諾番号6577872423Y31015 / 6577872419Y31015 / 6577872424Y38026 / 6577872420Y38026 / 6577872425Y30005 / 6577872421Y30005 / 6577872426Y31018 / 6577872422Y31018 / 6577872540Y45037■NexTone許諾番号ID000000953/ID000000876/ID000000877/ID000000878/ID000000954/ID000000879/ID000000880/ID000000881JOYSOUND official app "Karaoke JOYSOUND +" allows you to easily enjoy full-scale karaoke with realistic sound quality close to that of a karaoke box on your smartphone. New songs will be distributed from the CD release date (excluding some songs). With the purchase of a one-month ticket, you can sing all songs, score them, and record them! Beloved by everyone, the total number of downloads has exceeded 7.5 million![Main functions]■ Karaoke for freeYou can choose your favorite song from 150,000 songs and sing 3 songs a day for free. The abundant number of songs is unique to JOYSOUND!■ Check the pitch and rhythm with the analysis scoring Lite!With the analysis scoring Lite that allows you to compare your voice with the model pitch in real time, you can see at a glance where you are singing well and where you are not good at it!■ Change key and tempoYou can also change the key, tempo, and guide melody volume to suit you.■ Increase repertoire with guide vocalsYou can memorize memorable songs perfectly by singing along with the guide vocals sung by professionals.■ National scoring rankingYou can compete with "singers" all over the country in the national scoring ranking for each song.[Great success in such a scene! ]■ Before going to karaoke together, check and practice the songs that are popular now with rankings and special features■ I want to go to karaoke but I cant afford it ... Perfect for such occasions! If you connect it to a speaker via Bluetooth, your house will become a karaoke box ♪■ I want to sing as many songs as I like! At home, you dont have to worry about your surroundings![If you purchase a one-month ticket ...]■ Sing and score all songs!Over 150,000 songs + 100 songs added every week, all songs have a realistic sound quality close to that of JOYSOUND in the store, and you can sing and score as much as you want! A model voice [guide vocal] sung by professionals is also distributed (some songs only).■ You can record!If you have a voucher, [Recording] is OK! The karaoke data recorded and saved while scoring can be checked at any time at the same time as the pitch graph video! You can also echo!* 10 songs can be recorded every month. If you do not use it, you can carry it over to the next month.* Depending on the specifications of the terminal, the echo function during recording / playback may not be available on some SHARP and SONY terminals. Please note (confirmation terminal: AQUOS ZETA SH-03G / Xperia Z2 SO-03F).■ Continuous playback is possible!Use playlists to play only your favorite songs continuously! Since you can sing without hassle, you can use it not only for practice, but also for exercise and half-body bathing!■ Turn off advertisement display!No ads while purchasing a one-month ticket. You can concentrate on karaoke without stress![More features like this ...]■ Twitter postYou can post your scoring results on Twitter with an image of the scoring result screen.■ Bluetooth compatibleIt supports Bluetooth, which can be enjoyed hands-free (playback only, scoring is not possible).■ JOYSOUND app cooperation"Kyoku Navi" that allows you to send reservations at karaoke stores, "Kashirebo!" Where you can see the lyrics for free, "Utaski" where you can see the history of singing at the store, etc. Move to the JOYSOUND app with a single button!≫ In addition, it is equipped with convenient functions for practice !!【Recommended environment】■ Terminal: A terminal that can be updated to OS version 4.4 or higher■ App: The latest version of the app distributed on the Google Play Store* We cannot guarantee operation in environments other than the above. note that.* Even in the above environment, it may not work depending on the characteristics of the terminal. Before purchasing a voucher, please be sure to try free playback / scoring, etc. (You can use your favorite song for free by watching the advertisement video).[Fee]■ 1-month ticket 360 yen (tax included)【please note】■ Before purchasing a ticket, we recommend that you check the recording / scoring function from "Menu"> "Settings"> "Microphone settings".■ This app does not support the microphone / echo function while singing (it is possible to echo the recorded voice).■ If the scoring result or recorded data is incorrect, please try "Settings"> "Microphone settings".■ Network connection is required to use the service■ A voucher is required to play full chorus and use the scoring / recording function.■ If you run out of memory, quit other apps and try again.■ When using the analysis scoring Lite / recording function and microphone & echo, be sure to wear earphones or earphone microphones (if not installed, howling is likely to occur).■ Campaigns held within the app have nothing to do with Google Inc.■ Please observe good manners while driving or in public places such as trains.[Copyright group license number]■ JASRAC license number6577872423Y31015 / 6577872419Y31015 / 6577872424Y38026 / 6577872420Y38026 / 6577872425Y30005 / 6577872421Y30005 / 6577872426Y31018 / 6577872422Y31018 / 6577872540Y45037■ NexTone license numberID000000953 / ID000000876 / ID000000877 / ID000000878 / ID000000954 / ID000000879 / ID000000880 / ID000000881採点OFFの状態で録音した際に、プレイバックをせずに保存しようとするとアプリがクラッシュする不具合を修正しました