International Womenâs Day, initially called International Working Womenâs Day, is celebrated every year on March 8. In 1908 in New York 15,000 women marched through the city demanding shorter work hours, better pay, voting rights and an end to child labour. The owner of the factory where these women were working, trying to avoid publicity of their action, closed them in the factory. Unfortunately, fire broke up and 129 women died. To commemorate this day, in 1910 Socialist International in Copenhagen established International Womanâs Day. Celebrate Womenâs Day by wishing her, greeting her, and making her feel how important and special she is. Send her your warmest greetings and wishes and make her Womenâs Day bright. Read on and choose your wishes for this Womenâs Day.- Happy Womenâs Day! means more than flowers and gifts. It means saying thank you for everything. Happy Womenâs Day!- I just want you to know how special and fortunate I find myself to be blessed with a woman as loving, caring and wonderful as you. Happy Womenâs Day!- You are like spring: beautiful, tender and inspiring. And just as the first flowers are in bloom, may your life be colourful and sweet too! Happy Womenâs Day!- Women are the most wonderful and mysterious creatures on Earth. They are able to be so different and so similar at the same time. They are able to be strong and weak simultaneously. And thatâs why we love them so much. Happy Womenâs Day- I want to present a very unusual bouquet of flowers to you today⊠May you always stay sophisticated and feminine just like lily, may your life be sunny and bright just like sunflower and may your love be as passionate as wild rose is! Happy womenâs day.- If life is art, then a woman is masterpiece. Sheâs an embodiment of beauty, kindness, pride, tenderness, self-sacrifice and dignity. Sheâs a real masterpiece that we all admire. Happy Womenâs Day!- Spring and women have much in common. They both are about flowering, revival, inspiration and beauty. Wish you to stay young, fresh and feminine 24/7. Happy Womenâs Day!- We know from history lessons that International Womenâs Day was initially established as a sign of womenâs equality and strength. Nowadays women are really strong and independent, but today is the day when you should let yourself be weak, cute and adorable. Happy womenâs day!- Woman herself is a holiday. Sometimes sheâs like a crazy party, sometimes sheâs like a calm and innocent celebration within the family. All the women in the world have an incredible ability to add colours in our life. Happy Womenâs Day!- Among all the holidays of the year, today is my favourite one, because Iâm strongly convinced that a woman is the greatest reason to be happy, joyful and grateful. Happy Womenâs Day!Iâve seen many beautiful things. Iâve seen oceans and mountains, great architecture and masterpieces. But for me woman was, is and forever will be the most magnificent and charming thing in the world. Happy Womenâs Day!"-Throughout history women were the greatest source of inspiration. So many poems, books and paintings were devoted to them. And it was not without a reason, because all women hold an enchanting mystery within them that captures menâs hearts. Happy holiday!The world without women is like a blank canvas without any paint. It would be dull and grey without you, our dear women. Never stop bringing happiness, joy and beauty to us! Happy Womenâs Day!