OCBC Bank proudly announces the launch of the enhanced Mobile App. This upgrade features new interface and functions that bring you an enhanced Mobile Banking experience.* Optimized Services- New features of Curreny-linked DepositMore services:- Customer Suitability Assessment- Remote Account Opening- Biometric Logon- All-in-one Investment Account Opening- “My Portfolio”: Lists all account balances and provides transaction history enquiry function- Securities: Buy/Sell order, order status enquiry, cancel order, stock balance, real time stock quote, and market information enquiry- eIPO and Financing- Account Services: Transfer & Pay, account balance enquiry, remittance enquiry- Faster Payment System (FPS) - Small-value Transfer: Instant cross bank transfer- Faster Payment System (FPS) - Account Binding: Set your OCBC Bank account as FPS default account- Foreign Currencies & Gold: Currencies exchange, gold trading, pre-set buy/sell order- Buy / sell / switching of unit trust and Risk Profiling Questionnaire- eBanking Registration Service- eStatement Service- Remittance Service- Latest product info and promotion offer- Instant foreign currency exchange rates, gold price, and deposit interest rate enquiries- Branch & ATM locator- Transfer & Pay service- Wealth Management Connect (WMC) e-Banking PIN activation- Reset User ID and/or PIN Service- ATM Card Activation- Push Notification- Dormant Account Activation- Discontinue Paper Statement & Advice- A brand new pre-login page design Enhanced mobile banking experienceThe above products and services are subject to the relevant terms and conditions. For details, please visit any of our branches.