No aplicativo Imagens e Frases vocĂŞ terĂĄ milhares de frases e imagens com frases para WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Ele contĂŠm uma galeria com imagens e frases agrupadas por temas, entre eles amor, bom dia, boa tarde e boa noite, motivação, bĂblicas, indiretas, atitude, reflexĂŁo, felicidade, Deus, entre vĂĄrias outras.MOTIVOS PARA USAR O APP:⢠FAVORITOS: mantenha uma coleção com as suas imagens e frases favoritas.⢠IMAGENS: milhares de imagens de amor, bom dia, boa noite, atitude, etc.⢠FRASES: milhares de frases para status e fotos com diversos temas e autores.⢠AUTORES: diversos autores como, Bob Marley, Projota, Tati Bernardi, Gandhi e Albert Einstein.⢠STATUS: botĂŁo de copiar e colar, para vocĂŞ usar as frases para status de WhatsApp.⢠COMPARTILHAMENTO: compartilhe frases e imagens para status de WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger e stories do Instagram.In the Images and Phrases app you will have thousands of phrases and images with phrases for WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, etc. It contains a gallery with images and phrases grouped by themes, among them love, good morning, good afternoon and good night, motivation, biblical, indirect, attitude, reflection, happiness, God, among many others.REASONS TO USE THE APP:⢠FAVORITES: keep a collection with your favorite images and phrases.⢠IMAGES: thousands of images of love, good morning, good night, attitude, etc.⢠PHRASES: thousands of phrases for status and photos with different themes and authors.⢠AUTHORS: several authors such as Bob Marley, Projota, Tati Bernardi, Gandhi and Albert Einstein.⢠STATUS: copy and paste button, for you to use the phrases for WhatsApp status.⢠SHARING: share phrases and images for status of WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger and Instagram stories.Nova interface.