Shows the speed limit after you drive around and sync as follows:Offline! Requires no data plan!Step 1: Turn on app, wait for gps signal, drive around. You will not see speed limits yet.Step 2: In Menu->Settings->Name, add your "name". Your corrections will get logged into you find a sign, this name shows up as the owner.Step 3: When you get near wifi, sync your phone. To do this, Menu->Settings->SyncNow. This can take up to an hour. Please be patient. The screen will change when its done. This will load your phone with speed limits where you have driven.Step 4: Correct any new/wrong speed limits along your drive.Step 5: When near wifi, Sync again to get any updates and to donate your corrections to you see an incorrect or new speed limit, tap the screen to correct it. All submissions are verified.About us:Wikispeedia is the most accurate speed limit database available for public use.It was created in 2005 to collect and share the location of speed limits worldwide, helping people be aware of the speed limit.Note: This app uses no cellular data, only Wifi. It is uniquely designed for civic groups to use with any old Android phones for logging. It does not need any plan at all.Usage: Enable GPS, drive around. Then Sync when you get home or such. Be safe, only sync when the car is off. The blue dots are places you should visit. The Green dots are old signs that you can claim. To claim them, drive down the side roads. When you are moving the same direction as a sign, it will show up. Otherwise it will be a dot. Put your email in Settings. At Wikispeedia, we share all contributions. Legend:White Signs: Signs ahead of you.Red corners: Direction you must travel to see the sign. E.g., N, S, E, WBlue Dots: Signs that are not ahead of you. E.g., Nearby side road, reverse facing, etc.About us: There is no Federal or Private Speed limit database available for your use.This is why Wikispeedia was formed, for you to be able to incorporate speed limit information into speedometers, cruise controls or safety apps. This is your database. Your signs are owned by you. Even if the speed limit changes, you found the sign and own it forever. Similar to "adopt a road". If we have any money, it is distributed to donors. All submissions are verified. Email us with your thoughts.Sync fixed.