The Holy Quran The Holy Quran is complete without the Net provides you as a user with everything you need to read the Quran with easeYou can now read the Noble Qur’an at any time, as this application contains the entire Qur’an with a set of tools that help you better browse the Holy Qur’an without the net.The application of the Noble Qur’an, the Holy Qur’an without the net contains everything a Muslim needs to read the Noble Qur’an and the Noble Qur’anAlso, this application always reminds you to read the Quran, which means that you will not lose sight of God.Application Contents: -1- The Holy Qur’an, the Holy Qur’an without a complete net2- Pages of the Holy Quran without black and white internet.The Holy Quran provides the Holy Quran without the Net the feature of sending periodic notifications to users so that they do not lose sight of reading the Qur’an.