Money Back Guarantee! - We are very confident in our product.âș EMAIL and PRINT and SAVE all your text messages or a thread of messages.âș UPLOAD your text messages to EVERNOTE, DROPBOX, Google DRIVE and other cloud services. âș The email or uploaded file will have the person's name, phone number, dates, times and messages.âș This app will load all your text messages or a specific thread into an email (or file to be uploaded). You can then choose to send this email to yourself or someone else. It is very simple to use and the email ( or upload ) of your texts can then be printed or saved.âș Filter your texts by Thread, Date, Date Range and Last Number Of Daysâș3 easy and quick steps all from your phone. No need to mess with a computer.âș Some apps send your personal texts through their own servers. This app does not do this and so your privacy is assured.We cannot respond to comments left on the Google Play Store. If you already have the app, please use the "Contact Us" form" built into the app. If you do not have the app and have questions, please email
[email protected].
Using this app is a great way to save off texts or create a copy in case you need them for a legal proceeding. Many people need their texts for court cases. And after they are emailed to you, you can print them out and present them in court. Or use this app to get a copy of the texts from someone that is harassing or threatening you.
Uses :âș email my textsâș print text messagesâș email text messagesâș Creating a hard copy of your textsâș Work Related Threadsâș Save a copy of conversation with customersâș Forward the email âș email conversationâș print conversationâș save text messagesâș send your textsâș backup textsâș Print your SMSâș print textsâș print SMSâș save SMSâș Backup text messagesâș email text messagesâș Backup SMSâș Backup to Gmailâș save textsâș Upload and Save Texts to Dropbox ( requires FREE Dropbox App )âș save your texts / SMS to Evernote ( requires FREE Evernote App )âș Upload and Save Texts to Google Drive ( requires FREE Google Drive App )âș Upload and Save Texts to Google Keep ( requires FREE Google Keep App )
Great For :âș Legal Proceedingsâș Contractors work order changesâș Real estate communicationsâș Harassment Casesâș Divorce Caseâș Custody Hearingsâș Any Court Caseâș Saving any SMS textsâș Contractors - change work ordersâș Landlords / Tenantsâș Husband / Wife Issuesâș Back up / print work related threads
Some cell phone carriers charge $30 or more to provide a print out of your texts. Download this app and save yourself a lot of money and a lot of hassle.
On some very select phones, this app does not support the text in Multi-Media Messaging ( known as MMS ) example : picture messages. And some text messaging apps convert long SMS into MMS. Most phones are supported and if supported, only the text from the MMS messages will be included. The pictures cannot be included in the email because multiple pictures quickly exceeds the email size limitation.
Some apps that email each text, require you to enter your email address and password. That is a security risk. Do not give out your password to anyone! This app does NOT require you to enter your email address and password, so your privacy is maintained. This app does not automatically email each text as they are received. That would be hundreds or thousands of emails a day for many people.
This app does NOT delete or modify any of your text messages. Before you delete your texts, make sure you have received them in the email or that they have been properly uploaded.
We also want to thank all the very nice people that have taken the time to let us know how the app has helped you in your lives. We very much appreciate the positive feedback and we are fortunate to have many very wonderful customers.
Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!
zee Software Apps