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為發揚中華文化,整理各類中國歷來名著,包含文學、詩詞、小說、醫藥、傳記...等;目前已上架書籍:一枕奇、一層樓、七十二朝人物演義、十二樓、十尾龜、了凡四訓、二十四尊得道羅漢傳、二刻拍案驚奇、二度梅、人中畫、人虎傳、七俠五義、七劍十三俠、八仙得道、八洞天、八美圖、八段錦、九尾狐、九尾龜、九命奇冤、九章算術、九雲記、人間樂、小八義、小五義、于少保萃忠傳、于公案、山水小牘、山水情、子不語、女仙外史、女界鬼域記、千字文、三字經、三岡識略、三門街前後傳、三俠五義、三峽傳、三國志、三國演義、三教偶拈、三略、三遂平妖傳、三寶太監西洋記、子華子、女開科傳、大八義、大宋宣和遺事、大宋中興通俗演義、大明奇俠傳、大明正德皇游江南傳、大唐新語、大勢至菩薩念佛圓通章、大漢三合明珠寶劍全傳、大學、大戴禮記、文子、孔子家語、尹文子、幻中真、幻中遊、文心雕龍、文昌雜錄、六月霜、山海經、今古奇觀、比目魚、太白陰經、水石緣、五色石、五字鑒、五虎征西、五虎平南、五美緣、五鳳吟、天女散花、天妃娘媽傳、天豹圖、天湊巧、天順日錄、天祿閣外史、廿載繁華夢、公羊傳、方言、牛郎織女傳、王陽明靖亂錄、亢倉子、公孫龍子、六祖壇經、中庸、中論、止學、水滸傳、引鳳蕭、六韜、木蘭奇女傳、平山冷燕、古今注、古今律條公案、申不害、包公案-五鼠鬧東京、包公案-百家公案、包公案-龍圖公案、玉支璣、玉壺清話、玉照新志、玉嬌梨、玉樓春、玉蟾記、古文觀止、北史演義、白圭志、白虎通、生花夢、北里志、平金川、古易考原、玄怪錄、玄真子、司馬法、世無匹、平番始末、四朝聞見錄、左傳、北遊記、北齊書、北夢瑣言、世說新語、仙俠五花劍、永慶昇平前傳、永慶昇平後傳、幼學瓊林、巧聯珠、石點頭、申鑒、列子、列女傳、列仙傳、老子想爾注、池北偶談、朱子治家格言、西京雜記、次柳氏舊聞、百家姓、合浦珠、夷堅志、好逑傳、西湖二集、西湖佳話、老殘遊記、西湖夢尋、耳食錄二編、西遊記、西遊補、西漢演義、因話錄、先撥志始、全相平話五種、合錦回文傳、地藏菩薩本願經、冰鑒、吳子、弟子規、君子堂日詢手鏡、快士傳、快心編傳奇三集、投轄錄、牡丹亭、呂氏春秋、李公案、狄公傳、言行龜鑒、吳江雪、坐忘論、妙法蓮華經、佛垂般涅槃略說教誡經、李娃傳、走馬春秋、杜陽雜編、孝經、宋高僧傳、妝鈿鏟傳、折獄龜鑒、赤壁賦、杜騙新書、孟子、孤山再夢、庚巳編、明月台、明史紀事本末、林公案、花月痕、花神三妙傳、花影集、金台全傳、金石緣、金剛經、金瓶梅、定情人、定鼎奇聞、治世餘聞、法句譬喻經、抱朴子、宛如約、兩交婚小傳、法言、呻吟語、夜雨秋燈錄、易林、明季北略、東周列國志、東京夢華錄、東度記、東陽夜怪錄、東遊記、東漢秘史、東觀奏記、東坡志林、東坡詩話、東南紀事、長春真人西遊記、初刻拍案驚奇、河東記、青城山隱者記、泣紅亭、林泉高致集、金屋夢、近思錄、明皇雜錄、尚書、周朝秘史、周禮、周髀算經、明鏡公案、夜譚隨錄、奉天靖難記、奉天錄、林蘭香、金蘭筏、官場現形記、松窗夢語、林間錄、金雲翹傳、近報叢譚平虜傳、易經、忠經、邯鄲記、金匱要略、青箱雜記、炎徼紀聞、狐狸緣全傳、美人書、後三國石珠演義、施公案、風月夢、洞天福地記、風月鑑、南史演義、南明野史、南柯記、南唐近事、南海觀音菩薩出身修行傳、南部新書、南朝金粉錄、南朝秘史、南遊記、洪秀全演義、後宋慈雲走國全傳、春阿氏謀夫案、革命軍、飛花詠、柳非煙、皇明諸司公案、幽明錄、春明叢說、品花寶鑑、客窗閒話、續客窗閒話、飛花艷想、宣室志、封氏聞見記、風流配、風流悟、風俗通義、春秋配、紅風傳、春秋繁露、春柳鶯、春消息、珍珠舶、恨海、洗冤集錄、封神演義、括異誌、負情儂傳、胡雪巖外傳、英烈傳、飛跎全傳、洛陽牡丹記、俗話傾談、英雲夢傳、幽夢影、紅樓夢、紅樓夢影、郁離子、貞觀政要、荀子、草堂詩話、孫子兵法、孫子算經、孫公談圃、海上花列傳、海內十洲記、海公案、海外扶餘、海角遺編、海島算經、海國春秋、病榻遺言、笏山記、高士傳、素女經、唐太宗李衛公問對、唐書志傳、唐鍾馗平鬼傳、唐闕史、真臘風土記、浮生六記、神仙傳、娛目醒心編、鬼谷子、鬼谷四友志、粉妝樓、桃花女陰陽鬥傳、桃花扇、笑林廣記、素書、鬼神傳、冥祥記、夏商野史、益智錄、挺經、徐霞客遊記、容齋隨筆、容齋續筆、莊子、覓燈因話、曹子建集、殺子報、淞隱漫錄、梁公九諫、雪心賦、雪月梅、善惡圖全傳、通天樂、清平山堂話本、章台柳、清代野記、掃迷帚、情史類略、情夢柝、情變、崇禎朝野紀、國色天香、國初事蹟、商君書、貪欣誤、清波雜志、清風閘、淮南子、混唐後傳、都是幻、連城璧、連城璧外編、通書、陳書、野記、斬鬼傳、陶淵明集、陶庵夢憶、乾隆下江南、終須夢、國語、剪燈新話、剪燈餘話、聊齋志異、尉繚子、梅蘭佳話、湘山野錄、喻世明言、雲仙笑、揚州十日記、朝野僉載、黃帝內經、黃帝四經、黃帝陰符經、無能子、無恥奴、無聲戲、隋唐兩朝志傳、隋唐演義、菜根譚、華嚴經、菽園雜記、紫釵記、筆梨園、越絕書、隋史遺文、隋煬帝豔史、畫圖緣、黃繡球、圍爐夜話、雅觀樓、楊乃武與小白菜、慎子、搜神記、搜神後記、跨天虹、新民公案、新刊全相三國志平話、新序、新書、新茶花、新語、新編五代史平話、楞伽經、達摩出身傳燈傳、照世杯、遊仙窟、道山清話、新石頭記、詳刑公案、萬花樓、詩品、葬書、虞初新志、楊家將、雷峰塔奇傳、傳習錄、傳燈錄、傷寒論、詩經、蜀碧、蜃樓志、道德經、萬曆野獲編、楚辭、隔簾花影、楞嚴經、道聽途說、趙太祖三下南唐、夢中緣、夢溪筆談、夢蕉亭雜記、聚仙亭、臺灣外紀、蒙求、綠牡丹、睽車志、說卦、說呼全傳、說苑、說唐、閨門秘術、榮枯鑑、漢書、後漢書、熙朝新語、熙朝快史、綠野仙蹤、鳳凰池、銀瓶梅、爾雅、蜜蜂計、維摩詰所說經、漁樵問對、墨子、劉公案-滿漢鬥、劉公案-劉墉傳奇、劉公案-雙龍傳、潛夫論、盤古至唐虞傳、鄧析子、劍俠奇中奇全傳、劍俠傳、駐春園、醉翁亭記、稽神錄、廣異記、穀梁傳、閱微草堂筆記、醋葫蘆、論語、鋒劍春秋、蝴蝶媒、增廣賢文、論衡、儀禮、蝸觸蠻三國爭地記、燕山外史、燕子箋、燕丹子、穆天子傳、龍文鞭影、遵生八箋、醒世恆言、醒世姻緣傳、醒名花、醒風流、醒夢駢言、儒林外史、歷史通俗演義 - 前漢、歷史通俗演義 - 後漢、歷史通俗演義 - 兩晉、歷史通俗演義 - 南北史、歷史通俗演義 - 唐史、歷史通俗演義 - 五代史、歷史通俗演義 - 宋史、歷史通俗演義 - 元史、歷史通俗演義 - 明史、歷史通俗演義 - 清史、歷史通俗演義 - 民國、澠水燕談錄、歷代崇道記、遼海丹忠錄、獨異志、諫逐客書、戰國策、樵史通俗演義、螢窗清玩、蕉葉帕、龍鳳再生緣、獨斷、錦香亭、錦繡衣-移繡譜、錦繡衣-換嫁衣、龍城錄、濟公全傳、濟公活佛傳奇錄、戲中戲、療妒緣、韓非子、賽花鈴、賽紅絲、嶺南逸史、聲律啟蒙、薛剛反唐、禪真逸史、禪真後史、韓湘子全傳、韓詩外傳、霞箋記、顏氏家訓、魏鄭公諫錄、蟫史、雞肋編、檮杌閑評、繡屏緣、繡球緣、繡雲閣、繡鞋記、禮記、雙鳳奇緣、雙燈記、斷鴻零雁記、癡人福、癡人說夢記、歸蓮夢、關尹子、藝舟雙楫、鏡花緣、繪芳錄、藥師經、韜晦術、瀛涯勝覽、難經、羅織經、繫辭、繼世紀聞、警世通言、警世陰陽夢、釋名、鶡冠子、孽海花、警寤鐘、續小五義、續世說、續子不語、轟天雷、鐵花仙史、蘭花夢、鐵冠圖全傳、鐵樹記、續紅樓夢、續英烈傳、鬻子、躋雲樓、聽月樓、歡喜冤家、權謀殘卷、麟兒報、驚夢啼、鹽鐵論、豔異編、豔異編續集...等,並持續增加中。In order to carry forward Chinese culture, organize all kinds of Chinese historical masterpieces, including literature, poetry, novels, medicine, biographies, etc.; currently on the shelves: One Pillow, One Floor, Romance of Characters in the Seventy-two Dynasties, Twelfth Floor, Ten Tailed Turtles, Four Trainings of Liaofan, Twenty-Four Legends of Arhats Obtaining Dao, Er Ke Pai An Jing Jing, Er Du Mei, People in Painting, The Legend of Hu Hu, Seven Heroes and Five Righteousness, Seven Swords and Thirteen Heroes, Eight Immortals Obtaining Dao, Badongtian, Bameitu, Ba Duanjin, Jiu-tailed fox, Jiu-tailed turtle, Jiu-ming Qiu, Jiu-zhang arithmetic, Jiuyunji, Human music, Xiaobayi, Xiaowuyi, Yu Shaobao Cuizhong Chuan, Yu Gongan, Shanshui Slips, Shanshui Qing, Zibuyu, Nvxian Wai Shi, Nvjie Ghost Realm, Thousand Characters, Three Character Classics, Three Gangs, Sanmen Street, Three Heroes and Five Righteousness, Three Gorges, Three Kingdoms, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Three Religious Puppets, Three Strategies, Three Suiping Yaozhuan, Three Treasures Eunuch Xiyangji, Zihuazi, Female Kaike Biography, Dabayi, Da Song Xuanhe Legacy, Da Song Zhongxing Popular Romance, Da Ming Qixia Zhuan , Da Ming Zhengde Emperors Journey to the South of the Yangtze River, Datang Xinyu, Da Shizhi Bodhisattva Chanting Buddhas Yuantong Chapter, Dahan Sanheming Jewelry Sword Complete Biography, University, Dadai Book of Rites, Wenzi, Confuciuss Family Language, Yin Wenzi, Fantasy in Reality, Fantasy in Travel, Wenxin Diaolong, Wenchang Miscellaneous, June Frost, Shanhaijing, Modern and Ancient Wonders, Flounder, Taibai Yinjing, Water Stone Edge, Five-color Stone, Five-Character Mirror, Five Tigers Conquering the West, Five Tigers Pingnan, Wumeiyuan, Songs of the Five Phoenixes, Scattered Flowers of the Goddess, Biography of the Concubine and Mother of Heaven, Leopards, Coincidentally, Tianshun Daily Records, Tianlu Pavilion External History, Twenty Years of Prosperous Dreams, Gongyang Biography, Dialects, Cowherd and Weaver Girl Biography, Wang Yangmingjing Luan Lu , Kangcangzi, Gongsun Longzi, the Sixth Patriarchs Altar Sutra, Doctrine of the Mean, Zhong Lun, Zhixue, Water Margin, Yin Fengxiao, Liutao, Mulan Qinu Biography, Pingshan Lengyan, Ancient and Modern Notes, Ancient and Modern Law Tiao Koan, Shen Bu harm , Bao Gong Case - Five Rat Rat in Tokyo, Bao Gong Case - Hundred Family Gong Case, Bao Gong Case - Long Tu Gong Case, Jade Zhiji, Yuhu Qinghua, Yuzhao Xinzhi, Yujiao Li, Yulouchun, Yuchanji, Guwenguanzhi , The Romance of Northern History, Bai Guizhi, Baihutong, Shenghua Dream, Northern Lizhi, Pingjinchuan, Guyi Kaoyuan, Xuanweilu, Xuanzhenzi, Sima Fa, Shi Wupei, Pingfan Beginning and End, Four Dynasties Hearing and Seeing, Zuo Biography, Journey to the North, Northern Qi Shu, Beimeng Suoyan, Shishuo Xinyu, Xianxia Wuhuajian, Yongqing Shengping Prequel, Yongqing Shengping Post Biography, Young Learning Qionglin, Qiaolianzhu, Shi Duoduo, Shenjian, Liezi , Biography of Lie Nv, Biography of Lie Xian, Lao Tzus Notes on Er, Chi Bei Ou Tan, Zhu Zis Family Motto, Xijing Miscellaneous Notes, Old News of Ciliu, Baijia Surname, Hepu Pearl, Yijian Zhi, Haoqi Biography, West Lake Second Episode, West Lake Story, Old Cans Travel Notes, West Lake Dream Search, Er Shi Lu Second Edition, Journey to the West, Western Journey Supplement, Romance of the Western Han Dynasty, Yin Hua Lu, Xian Dia Zhi Shi, Quanxiang Pinghua Five, Hejin Palindrome Biography, Di Tibetan Bodhisattvas Vow Sutra, Bingjian, Wu Zi, Disciple Guidance, Junzitang Daily Inquiry Hand Mirror, Kuai Shi Chuan, Kuai Xin Legendary Three Episodes, Jurisdiction Records, The Peony Pavilion, Lus Spring and Autumn, Li Gongan, Di Gong Biography, Words and Actions Guijian, Wujiangxue, Sitting and Forgetting, Miaofa Lotus Sutra, Buddhas Sutra of Nirvana Briefly preaching and admonishing, Li Was biography, Zouma Chunqiu, Du Yangs miscellaneous compilations, filial piety, Song Dynasty monks biography, Zhuangdian shovel biography, Zhe prison turtle Jian, Chibi Fu, Du Lis new book, Mencius, Gushans dream again, Gengsi compilation, Mingyuetai, Mingshi Chronicle Benmo, Lin Gongan, Huayuehen, Three Wonderful Biography of the God of Flowers, Flowers Album, Complete Biography of Jintai, Jinshiyuan, Diamond Sutra, Jin Ping Mei, Ding Lover, Ding Ding Anecdote, Rumors of Governing the World, Dharma Parables, Bao Puzi, Just Like a Covenant, Biography of Two Marriages, Dharma Words, Moaning Words, Night Rain Autumn Lantern Records, Yilin, Mingji Beiluo, Eastern Zhou Dynasty Chronicles, Tokyo Menghua Records, Dongdu Ji, Dongyang Night Strange Records, Journey to the East, Secret History of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Dongguan Memorial Records, Dongpo Zhilin, Dongpo Poems, Southeast Chronicles , Changchun Real People Journey to the West, First Engraved and Paid a Tablet Surprise, Hedong Ji, Qingcheng Mountain Hermits, Weeping Red Pavilion, Linquan Gaozhi Collection, Golden House Dream, Recent Thoughts, Ming Huang Miscellaneous Records, Shangshu, Secret History of the Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Li, Zhou Bi Suanjing, Mingjing Gongan, Night Tan Sui Lu, Fengtian Jing Difficulty Records, Fengtian Records, Lin Lanxiang, Jin Lanfei, Official Records, Song Window Dreams, Forest Records, Jin Yunqiao Biography, Recent Reports Cong Tan Pinglu Biography, Yi Classics, Loyalty Classics, Handan Chronicles, Outline of the Golden Chamber, Green Box Miscellaneous Notes, Yanyu Jiwen, The Complete Biography of Fox Fate, Beauty Books, The Romance of Stone Pearls of the Later Three Kingdoms, Shi Gongan, Fengyuemeng, Dongtian Fudi Ji, Fengyuejian, Southern History Romance , Unofficial History of the Southern Ming Dynasty, Records of Nanke, Recent Events of the Southern Tang Dynasty, Biography of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the South China Sea, New Books of the Southern Dynasties, Jinfen Records of the Southern Dynasties, Secret History of the Southern Dynasties, Travels to the South, Romance of Hong Xiuquan, the Biography of Ciyun in the Later Song Dynasty, and the Case of Chun As Husband , Revolutionary Army, Fei Hua Yong, Liu Feiyan, Huangmings Company Cases, Youming Records, Chunming Cong said, Pinhua Baojian, Guest Window Gossip, Continued Guest Window Gossip, Fei Hua Yanxiang, Xuan Shi Zhi, Fengs Hearing and Seeing Records, Merry Matching, Merry Comprehension, Customs and Meanings, Spring and Autumn Matches, Red Wind Biography, Spring and Autumn Fanlu, Spring Willow Warbler, Spring News, Pearl Ship, Hate the Sea, A Collection of Injustices, Fengshen Romance, Biography, and Biography of Negative Love , Hu Xueyans Biography, Heroes Biography, The Complete Biography of Feizhuo, Luoyang Peony, Saying Talk, Yingyun Dream Biography, Youmengying, Red Mansions, Red Mansions, Yu Iion, Zhenguan Dignitaries, Xunzi, Caotang Poetry, Sun Tzus Art of War, Sun Tzus Sutra , Sun Gong Tan Garden, Biography of Flowers on the Sea, The Story of Ten Continents in China, The Case of Hai Gong, Overseas Fuyu, Cape Legacy, Island Sutra, Spring and Autumn of Haiguo, Sick Beds Last Words, Wat Shan Ji, Gao Shizhuan, Su Nujing, Tang Taizong Li Weigong Wen Du, Tang Shuzhi Biography, Tang Zhongkui Ping Ghost Biography, Tang Que History, Zhenla Fengtu Ji, Floating Life Six Ji, Immortal Biography, Yumenxing Xinbian, Guiguzi, Guigu Four Friends Zhi, Fanzhuanglou, Peach Blossom Girl Yin-Yang Douzhuan, Peach Blossom Fan, Xiaolin Guangji, Sushu, Ghosts and Gods, Mingxiangji, Xia Shangye History, Jizhilu, Tingjing, Xu Xiakes Travel Notes, Rongzhai Essays, Rongzhais Continued Writings, Zhuangzi, Deng Yinhua, Cao Zijian Collection, Killing Zibao, Songyin Manlu, Lianggong Jiujian, Xuexin Fu, Xueyuemei, The Complete Biography of Good and Evil, Tongtianle, Qingpingshantang Huaben, Zhangtailiu, Qing Dynasty Wild Records, Broom Broom, Love History , Love and Dreams, Love Changes, Chongzhen Dynasty, National Color and Heavenly Fragrance, Deeds at the beginning of the country, Shang Junshu, greed and misunderstanding, Qingbo magazine, Qingfengzha, Huainanzi, Chuan Tang Dynasty, are all illusions, Lianchengbi, Lianchengbi External Editor, Tongshu, Chen Shu, Ye Ji, The Legend of Zhan Gui, Tao Yuanming Collection, Taoan Dream Recollection, Qianlongs Journey to the South of the Yangtze River, Final Xu Meng, Mandarin, New Story of Deng Deng, Yu Deng, Story of Liaozhai, Wei Liaozi , Meilans story, Xiangshan Yelu, Yu Shimingyan, Yunxianxiao, Yangzhou Ten Diaries, Chaoye Zaizai, Huangdi Nei Jing, Yellow Emperor Four Classics, Yellow Emperor Yin Fu Jing, Incompetent Son, Shameless Slave, Silent Opera, Chronicles of Sui and Tang Dynasties Biography, Sui and Tang Dynasties Romance, Caigen Tan, Huayan Sutra, Shuyuan Miscellaneous Notes, Purple Hairpin Notes, Bi Liyuan, Yue Jue Shu, Sui Shis legacy, Sui Yang Emperor Yan Shi, Hua Tu Yuan, Huang Hydrangea, Night Talks Around the Furnace, Yaguan Building, Yang Naiwu and Little Cabbage , Shenzi, Soshen Ji, Soshen Postscript, Cross Sky Rainbow, Xinmin Gongan, New Issue Quanxiang Sanguozhi Pinghua, New Preface, New Book, New Camellia, New Language, Newly Edited Five Dynasties History Pinghua, Langka Sutra, Bodhidharmas Deng Chuan, Zhao Shi Cup, Youxian Grottoes, Daoshan Qing Dialect, New Stone Records, Detailed Punishment Public Cases, Wanhualou, Poems, Funeral Books, New Chronicles of Yu Chu, Yang Family Generals, Leifeng Pagoda Biography, Biography Records, Chuan Deng Records, Treatise on Febrile Diseases , The 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Good idea but poor program.

Good one

Thanks for doing this app.Great books and handy functions!


簡潔方便 應有盡有

使用簡單,操作方便,great app


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