Surprisingly enough, shelves play a big part in the overall decoration of the house, so if you are planning on making some renovations and home improvements, then maybe consider upgrading your shelves as well!Even though in general furniture can cost quite a lot shelf is the one thing that you can learn to DIY with the help of a few tutorials and a minimum amount of imagination. Shelves not only differ in shapes and colors but in themes as well. So, if you are going for a nautical look, then you will find a shelf suiting your needs. However, if you already possess a hip shelf or set of them and do not feel like changing them, then you can quickly paint them over and give them a somewhat different and new look. A simple hack of rearranging can completely alter the appearance of the room.In other words, do not be afraid to experiment with the tools, materials or shelves you already have! Hopefully, this article was more than helpful in your pursuit of new hacks and ideas!