The application provides hundreds of cool wallpapers with many different themes with 4K quality, a huge collection of extremely vivid Full HD wallpapers for you to freely choose: Nature, Love and Flower, Animals, Marshmallow, Ocean/Sea, Cartoon, Space/Galaxy, etc. There are so many images that you spent hours searching online, now you can easily find them without spending too much time.The wallpaper library regularly recommends hundreds of high-quality live wallpapers for your phone to be lively and attractive. Make your mood more comfortable than ever when you can always look at your favourite images all day and experience real motion every time you turn on your phone.Categories :- We provide large amount of wallpapers across 9+ categories.LoveNatureAnimalHouseFlowerMarshmallowOcean/SeaCars & MotorcycleCartoonSpace/GalaxyWhats more? The Ultra 4K Wallpaper application also has extremely outstanding features:-Recent > This is where you see latest updated wallpapersPopular > Popular wallpapers sorted based on user downloadsRandom > Wallpapers randomly shown from whole collection on the fly⢠Simple & user-friendly interface⢠Download high quality premium Nature wallpapers for free⢠Daily updates⢠Super-fast & lightweight app⢠All wallpapers are suitable for HD, QHD and 4K resolution mobile phones⢠Option to clear cache to make app loading faster and save memory & battery⢠Option to Share/Send wallpapers through various apps like WhatsApp, Mail, Skype and much more..đ We are thankful for all of your support and always welcome your feedback and suggestions on
[email protected]đDisclaimer:- All the wallpapers in this app are under common creative license and the credit goes to their respective owners. These images are not endorsed by any of the prospective owners, and the images are used simply for aesthetic purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and any request to remove one of the images/logos/names will be honoured.