Its flowers are generally brown, red, orange, bright yellow, and have a velvety appearance. Marigold is planted in spring and can be grown in regions with such climates, especially in the Mediterranean Region, as it likes sunny places. Marigold flowers are used in many products. These include soap and shampoo. Marigold oil is also seen as a supportive treatment for diseases such as acne, eczema, and fungus. Marigold also has pain-relieving properties. It provides relief in painful areas. In women, especially on special days, it both relieves pain and eliminates irregularities. It has diuretic properties and cleans the blood. Since it keeps the skin moist, it eliminates problems such as rash or acne. As for the reproduction of marigolds, it is propagated by seed. Seeds can be taken every year.Marigolds usually consist of shades of red and yellow. The colors are incredibly vibrant. Marigolds are used to bring joy to the inner world. Among the main types, there are laminated and non-layered types. The marigolds, which are multilayered, bloom in yellow and are hybrids. Brecta variety is a dwarf or tall type. Signam, on the other hand, is a dwarf variety. It blooms continuously. And the flowers are always orange.Marigold is native to South America, Argentina, and Mexico. It should not be watered from the top. It should be applied as drip irrigation or watering from the bottom.Marigolds grow between October and February. The amount of water given during the seed period is very important. It grows in any environment, but warm places are the most suitable. He loves the sun. Since the marigold is strikingly beautiful in appearance, it is more used as an ornamental plant.Marigolds attract beneficial pests in the soil and drive away harmful ones. It has the ability to cope with the scorching summer heat. It is slugs that harm the flower. This needs attention. Picking off the wilted flowers is an important detail for the care of the flower. If kept in an excessively dark place, the flower will suffocate. Marigolds are annual plants. Marigold; it means grief experienced in the loss of love or love, beauty with the new rising sun, deep love, sharing something with your loved ones. Marigold is an extremely effortless flower. Although it is easy to reproduce, seeds can be taken every year. It is among the most loved and preferred summer plants due to its spectacular flowers. Fertile soils are sufficient for marigolds. In return, they show a long life by giving beautiful flowers.Please choose your desired marigold wallpaper and set it as a lock screen or home screen to give your phone an outstanding appearance.We are grateful for your great support and always welcome your feedback about our wallpapers.