Volcanoes&Earthquakes UPGRADE at Google Play market analyse
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These 2 Volcano, Earthquake apps Are what I would call 2nd to none It's just incredible how many times Quakes actually happen I was looking On the map one day iam not sure what Country it was but I counted about 40 Volcanos I was stund to no realy Just how many are actually on Earth It's very interesting to no this info.
🤔 Ompps (apps) ... Useful tools
good app notification are fast!
Best app I've come across that gives such great info! love it!
I don't get notifications of any earthquakes once in a while I'll get them 6 and over but basically don't expect to get any notifications!
On target for my needs... Robert Loehr Gig Harbor Washington 98329 Eye Candy Optical Uptown Plaza