This program includes personalized shift planning utilities, such as the possibility to check if overtime hours are worth the effort. The application contains all the important functions of a shift planner. It offers precise salary calculations, shift allowance, a work hours/overtime account, travel expenses, user management, events calendar, flexible surfaces and support.The salary calculation function allows the user to have a rundown of their working hours, thus avoiding any income cuts and allowing every employee a precise estimation of the monthly wage.The 30-days trial version is available with full function in the Playstore. Please try it before acquiring the full application, since your data will stay even when you switch from the trial to the full version.The app offers specifically the following utilities:-Complete shift calendar-Holidays of respective states (you can add your own holidays)-Separate settings for workdays and off days-Selection of two shifts per day (i.e. main + second job, double shifts, work and vacation)-Two different widgets-Shift alarm, automatic (customizable)-Flexible shift settings-Whole month calendar print-Flashing notificationsCalculations:-Shift, day and month rules/norms for flexible accounting-Shift supplements-Overtime supplements-Timetable-Expenses-Income for vacations, Christmas and/or bonuses-These subjects is adjustable for each shift-Taxes and social expenses-Explanations of each function-Create reports-Calculating commissionsFlexible creation of rules/norms:-Monthly: Parking tickets, company pension, capital-effective capacity, periodic or singular-Daily: lunch money, transport costs-Hourly: presence bonus, bonus paymentsItinerary:-Add all appointments and choose between different fonts and background colors-Templates for appointments-More utilities yet to comeUser manager:-Layout settingsExtras:-More details in the shift calendar-Statistics-FinancesIn case you require more preferences, need explanations or have questions/problems, please contact us:
[email protected] or use the in-App support function. We guarantee to answer as soon as possible.Feel free to type your comments and complaints in the comment section, or send them as an Email.Negative ratings will not help us fix any problems/bugs in the app, so we kindly ask you to elaborate your complaints and we will be doing our best to maintain the program.2.0.2e (15.03.22)Bugs:Minor critical bugs fixed.ToDo list:the feature list rebuilt that can also be voted on what should be developed as an important feature in a timely manner.