With VeraCash, you can now save money and make payments using precious metals!With your VeraCash account, payment card and currency backed by physical gold and silver, you can get out of the traditional banking system without having to change your habits!PAY AND SEND MONEY INSTANTLY AND FEE-FREE3, 2, 1… It only takes a few seconds for your recipient to receive your VeraCash, while bank transfers can take up to 48 hours. It is completely free to send VeraCash anywhere in the world, unlike most of today’s wallets and payment solutions.CONVERT YOUR GOLD INTO CURRENCY WITH A MASTERCARD DEBIT CARDYou can convert your precious metals into currency at any time with the VeraCarte debit card. Unlike banks, VeraCash does not charge fees to withdraw money or make payments outside the eurozone with its Mastercard® debit card.SECURE YOUR SAVINGS DURING TIMES OF CRISISPhysical gold and silver are safe investments par excellence. Investors the world over turn to these assets when stock markets become unstable.MANAGE YOUR ACCOUNT IN THE BLINK OF AN EYEThe VeraCash mobile app lets you send and receive VeraCash for free, manage your account and your debit card in the blink of an eye, and credit your account.Thank you for using the VeraCash app!This version allows you to provide original documents for the validation of your account from the "My documents" menu.Give preference to sending PDFs in order to reduce the processing time of your file.
A Google user
2 years ago
Great program once you have the jist of the system.Alex