Vehicle Price:Vehicle Pricing - Consulting the FIPE table has never been easier:- Vehicle devaluation / appreciation chart with price history month to month, to know the best time to buy, or best time to sell, to know how much the vehicle devalues or values to make your decision which vehicle to buy.- Query the FIPE table quickly and completely offline;- Add the vehicles you like to check most often to Favorites;- Share the price with other people;- Choose the brand, and filter by any parameter you want first: year, fuel, model;- Browse brands, models, year, fuel easily using the keyword filter (Example: if you want to filter LTZ prism models, the App will filter only prism ltz the two variations: with manual shift and automatic shift) ;- Possible to consult: Motorcycles, Cars, Trucks, Buses and Vans;- Possible parameters: Make, Model, Year, Fuel;- Small and light size application.