Great calculator, worth every penny.
FX-602P scientific calculator at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
Great calculator, worth every penny.
Truly an impressive calculator. It takes me back to my programming days with Pascal. I have to figure out how to print, copy and paste.
I've been using FX-602P for 30 years, and now I can use it on my android. Lots of thanks to the author. Great job!
I have owned and still use daily a Casio FX720p for the last 25 years. This app is the next best thing. Now guys your next project has to be the 720.
Have used my fx-602p for 30 years, and still use it today. This app is awesome. Thanks.
Brilliant. Gone is the text above the display window so now the keypad has more space. Also there appears to be shorter lag between keying and entries appearing in display.
I programmed a lot on FX-502P (1977-82), used a dozen great calculators on CASIO E-11 (1998), HP iPaq h2215 (2003), HTC HD2 (2009). On my current Galaxy S WiFi 4.00 (Android 2.3.6) I have 4-5. The $3.98 FX-602P emulator is elegant to watch, but keys are too unresponsive compared to RealCalc or handyCalc, the manual is PDF, posted in 2002 and never updated or improved since, made of blurry photos of the original, with pages 90°-left-toppled and ill-ordered; and the FX-602P, while a wonder in its era, is now dated (e.g. hybrid algebraic-RPN logic), programs aren't remembered until you find (good luck with the toppled blurred manual) how to make them stick. This unfinished product doesn't even deserve $3.98, and even free would get no significant audience until manual gets decent photos of the original, oriented and sorted right, in PDF (or better in HTML), and if possible until the emulator itself gets updated more in line with current standards of ease of use and general efficiency. Versailles, Sun 02 Sep 2012 08:29:00 +0200