United Bank Ethiopia (UBE) Mobile app is a user-friendly, convenient and secure mobile banking application from United Bank S.c ( a progressive and modern banking institution in Ethiopia). Enjoy Banking with our new mobile app which is free, secure and easy to use app with your Smartphone anywhere and anytime. Features: Balance EnquiryMini-statementForex RatesFunds Transfer (to Own and other accounts within UBE)Loan and LC InformationChecksUtilityBill Payments (Ethiopian Airlines Ticket, United Insurance premium, DSTV, water & electricity)and many more services…All you need: • A smart phone with Android Operating System.• Internet connectivity like GPRS/EDGE/3G/Wi-Fi.• Should be first registered for UBE Mobile Banking Service.Note:Download from Google Play store only. Do not use any other websites for downloading this application. Make sure you get download code from United Bank while installing the app.For any detailed information on our Bank, please visit: http://www.unitedbank.com.et/For complaints, feedbacks & suggestions kindly email us at
[email protected] security features