Lets play - Ukrainian-language catalog of games and activities for children.Is the kid asking to play again? It is difficult to figure out what to do with the child? Lets play! just for such cases.The application contains the best real games (without tablet and computer) for any situation. Such a cheat sheet for parents. The father can take care of the childs development without getting up from the sofa, and the educator can choose a game for a group of children.The collection of games contains detailed instructions, pictures, videos. The program makes it easy to sort games by age, number of players, space and skills. You can create your own collection of favorite games and plan a fun holiday.Games are the most important aspect of childhood. It is in the game that children learn about the world, develop imagination, learn to interact, experience emotions. And the time spent with parents is invaluable for the harmonious development of the child. Also, thanks to the ability to play real games, children become less prone to addiction to computer games.Play with pleasure and health!Glory to Ukraine!