Criminal Code (Criminal Code of the Czech Republic. Act No. 40/2009 Coll.) - is the main legislative act that defines criminal acts and their punishment in the Czech Republic. The Criminal Code (abbreviated as TrZ) is the substantive criminal law code in force in the Czech Republic adopted by the Parliament of the Czech Republic and promulgated in the Collection of Laws under number 40/2009 Coll. The new Criminal Code entered into force on January 1, 2010, and at the same time the former Czechoslovak Criminal Code was repealed.The application is designed as a one-page e-book. The application works in both offline and online mode. The ability to search for words and sentences in active mode is included.Disclaimer:1. Information about this application comes from - psp.cz2. This application does not represent any government or political entity. All information provided in this application is recommended to be used for educational and study purposes only.