Satyawaadi is a team of creative writers who write interesting articles about various niches. For example, Movies, Gadgets, Careers, Business, etc.The app is free to use and takes less space on your phone as its size falls under 500KB.It has been made to please the users experience in several ways. For example, having a pleasant color code, fonts, etc.Satyawaadi registers its presence not just on search engines (For example, Google Search, Google News, Bing) but on social media as well.You can find Satyawaadi on several popular social media. For example, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.The brand was founded by Sanjay Kumar Monu back in the year 2017.You can visit Satyawaadis website at https://satyawaadi.comBelow are the links to Satyawaadis social channel.Facebook: