Please note, this app does not connect directly to your vehicleUse the most comprehensive, accurate & up to date engine fault code database to fix your vehicles fault codes. Note this version is NOT a slimmed down version, unlike others we give you every code for all manufacturers for FREE from day 1.It can cost in excess of $100 to have your vehicles computer and fault codes diagnosed at a garage. However using this app you can save this cost by carrying out the diagnostic check yourself.For use by individuals, mechanics or garages this app contains over a hundred thousand fault codes for all vehicle manufacturers making this the most comprehensive app of its type by far!Faults meanings are linked to on-line repair information advice to help you fix the problem or help you explain it to your garage.Unique pop-up display that explains code acronyms, for example AECM (air bag electronic control module)New codes are added using our unique automated update function.Be part of the best fault codes app, currently growing at the rate of 750+ new installs per day!For use in conjunction with a basic low cost code reader ($15) if your vehicle does not display the code itself.Please note, this app does not connect directly to your vehicle