TransitTimes is the best app for train schedules, bus schedules, real-time info and more in New York, San Francisco, Sydney, Toronto and more (full list below)Download schedules for offline viewing of 80+ cities, including timetables for bus, train, subway, trolley, light rail, commuter rail and trams
✔ Find directions with the journey planner when you're not sure where to go✔ View real-time vehicle positions & estimates (in supported cities, see below)✔ View service alerts✔ Save favorite trips, stops, and directions searches✔ View nearby stops✔ View trips on a map
REAL-TIME VEHICLE POSITIONS / ESTIMATES: Sydney, Vancouver, Atlanta, Portland, Salt Lake City, Boston, Adelaide, Canberra, Perth, Toronto, LA, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, NYC, Ottawa, Chicago, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Honolulu & Chapel Hill, Tampa (PSTA), Christchurch, Edmonton
See for more details
ABC Ride, ACTION, AC Transit, Adelaide Metro, AMT, BART, BCT, Big Blue Bus, BKV, Busco, Calgary Transit, CapMetro, CAT, CATA, Caltrain, Capital Area Transit, Cary Transit C-Tran, CATA, Cascades East Transit, CCRTA, CDTA, Chapel Hill Transit, Cherriots, Christchurch Metro, CHT, Citilink, CityRail, CMRT, COTA, CTA, C-TRAN, CTTransit, DART, DART First State / DelDOT, DATA, DCTA, DTA, ETS, Fairfax County Transit, FWTA, GATRA, GCRTA, Golden Empire Transit, Golden Gate Transit (GGT), Go Transit, GRTA Xpress, HART, Howard Transit, HSR (Hamilton Street Railway), IndyGo, KCM, KCMD, Kitsap Transit, LA Metro, Lextran, LIRR, Lynx, KCATA, MARTA, MAXX, MBTA, MCTS, MDC Transit, Metlink, Metra, Metro, MetroTas, Metro Transit, Metrobus Transit, MMT, MNR, MTA, MTA Maryland, Muni, Nashville MTA, NCTD, NFTA, NJ Transit, NORTA, OCTA, OCTranspo, PACE, PATCO, Port Authority, PSTA, PTV Melbourne, PVTA, Qconnect Queensland, Ride On, RIPTA, RTC, RTA, RTC Washoe, RTD, RTL, SACRT, SDMTS, SF Muni, SEPTA, Sound Transit, SRTA, STA, STL, STM, TARC, TfNSW, TheBus, The Ride, TMTA Topeka, Translink BC, Translink SEQ (QLD), Transperth, TriMet, TTA, TTC, Winnipeg Transit, UTA, Valley Metro, VIA, VRE, VTA, Yolobus, YRT, 131500 NSW
CHECK YOUR BALANCE: Transperth SmartRider, Christchurch MetroCard, Adelaide MetroCard, Melbourne Myki, Brisbane Go Card, Action MyWay Card, Clipper Card, MetroTas Green Card
AUSTRALIA: Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Hobart (Tasmania), Darwin
CANADA: Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, St Johns, Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg
NEW ZEALAND: Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington
UNITED STATES: Albany, Albuquerque, Ann Arbor, Atlanta, Austin, Baltimore, Bakersfield, Bend, Boston, Buffalo, Chapel Hill, Charlottesville, Chicago, Cleveland, Colorado Springs, Corpus Christi, Dallas, Delaware, Denver, Detroit, Duluth, Edmonton, Fairfax County Transit, Fort Wayne, Fresno, Hartford, Honolulu, Houston, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Lansing, Lexington, Little Rock, Los Angeles, Louisville, Madison, Miami, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Montgomery County, Nashville, New Orleans, NYC, Oakland, Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, Providence, PSTA, Raleigh, Reno, Riverside, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, Salem, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Diego, Santa Monica, Seattle, Spokane, St Louis, Tampa, Vancouver, Washington DC, Wilmington, Yuma
EUROPE: Budapest
See for a full list of cities
In supported cities we offer WCA indicators for stops/trips in accordance with organisations such as ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).
INTERNET - Directions search, alerts, downloading timetablesNETWORK STATE - Check if Internet connection is availableEXTERNAL STORAGE - Timetables storageYOUR LOCATION - Directions search, nearby stopsACCOUNTS/WAKE LOCK - Push notifications
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