Karachi Traffic Police is integrated with Traffic Ticketing & Management System of Karachi Traffic Police.This application consists of the following features: ⢠Challan verification ⢠Challan history (latest 10)⢠Registered Vehicle verification⢠Challan Submission Franchises Location (Google map)⢠Traffic Violation Rules⢠Driving simulation/Manual⢠Road Signs⢠News and Events⢠Emergency Contacts⢠Weather ⢠Feedback⢠Contact usTraffic Ticketing & Management System is an electronic issuance & payment system that will convert the existing challan issuance/payment system to a system managed electronically throughout. TTMS is a collection, reporting and audit system that will allow paying for Traffic Fines at UBL Omni Dukans (4267)/ A2Z Franchises (333) located at various convenient locations. This program provides the public with a cost-effective & convenient way to pay for Traffic Challan while allowing quick and efficient updates to Challan payment records along with a comprehensive Database of Violations.