TRAD 112 is an application to gather vital information about the health status of a deaf and/or mute, partially sighted or foreign nationality who is a victim of an illness or accident.It overcomes the barriers of language and / or disability.Available in 15 languages: English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Arabic countries, Brazilian, Polish, French,French sign language and International sign language.This version for the general public is to question the person before help arrives or not to attempt first aid. Press the question to hear itThe questions for answers are; yes, no or drop-down menu.A summary of the questions and responses are available at the end. This makes it possible to communicate the key elements that lie rescuers on the scene.Calling menu contains numbers only for french emergency.You find an error? Write us:
[email protected] customized version for rescue professionals is already available; it contains around a hundred questions and information giving different calculations (state of the victim 1 - 15), infectious diseases painting a picture of the traveler in question / difficulty.TRAD112 is a concept that can adapt to all services and all companies (Police, leisure parks, swimming pools, tourist attraction parks, ski resorts ...)Android 9 available