All the TOIPL’s bulk LPG tankers and cylinder carrying trucks are fitted with Sensel Telematics GPS/GPRS based vehicle tracking system to track vehicles from point of dispatch to destination and back. In TOIPL’s bulk LPG tankers, there is also facility available to capture unloaded quantity details using keypad provided along with GPS/GPRS vehicle tracking system.Smart Fleet will help to Track the All Vehicles Locations,Speed,Route and Violations of Drivers. Smart Fleet App will follows the Total Oil India Pvt Ltds safety policies and it will notify if any violations1. The maximum driving hours is limited to 10 hours in any 24 hour period2. Mandatory rest period 30minutes after every 3hours of driving OR 45minutes of rest period after every 4 hours. In any case, driver is not allowed to driver beyond 4 hours.3.TOIPL prohibits night driving from 10PM to 5 AM4. Speed limit not more than 50 KmphFixed Report route issue
sashi kumar
2 years ago
M.Sashikumar Udaiyar
2 years ago
Very useful....
Manikandan C
2 years ago
2 years ago
Not good maintan regular follows than report not clear waste app