Broken app that crashes on start up
Basic docx Reader at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
Broken app that crashes on start up
Doesn't support Android 9
It is good but only Paragraph is not working well
Kept closing, now wont even open???
Can't open docs file
Basic Crash App. Can crash anytime tou want it to. Easy to crash hence easy to use. You can amaze your family and friends with this unique app, call it magic and make the app close as you open. It's all automatic. OR It's a mystrery box, made by secrete agencies only for the agents to open and get their messages. It won't start on normal phones but only by the phones built by those secret agencies only inside Area 51. The raid didn't happen else this secret would have been out in public.
No idea how it works. Installed and about to delete again sadly