よりお求めやすい価格に値下げしました!(900円⇒600円) 旺文社のベストセラー書籍を元に、試験本番に良く出る順に厳選された単語・熟語2,000語を例文、ネイティブ音声とともに収録。 全6,000問のリスニング、単語、穴埋めテストで、語彙力を鍛えて、短時間で確実なスコアアップを目指せ!語彙力の壁に当たって、得点が伸び悩んでいませんか?語彙に自信がないままテストが終了してしまい、あと1,2問解ければ目標点数に届いたのに。。。という苦い経験をされたことはありませんか?このアプリはTOEICで高得点を取るために、必要な語彙力を、短期間に、そしてより効率的に習得できるメニューや機能をとりそろえています。このアプリを使うと、語彙力を強化できるだけでなく、あなただけのための、カスタマイズされた最強の単語帳を作ることができます。単語力、語彙力を鍛えて、試験に臨む際の心強い単語バイブルを作って、TOEIC高得点を狙ってみませんか?------------------------------------------------------アプリの特徴------------------------------------------------------★あなたに合わせた最強の単語帳が作れる!出題頻度順、テストの結果順(苦手、まあまあ、完璧、未着手)、品詞などで絞り込み設定ができ、あなたのスタイルにあわせて学習が可能。◎おすすめの使い方①頻度ランクAの単語を一通りチェック②チェックが終わったら、単語、穴埋め、リスニングテスト③苦手カードに絞って完璧になるまでテスト!④次のランクに挑戦!この繰返しで、圧倒的なTOEIC単語力が身につき、得点アップ!★とにかくよく出る単熟語を厳選!旺文社がTOEIC過去データから独自の手法で厳選した2000の英単語・熟語と200のビジネス英単語を収録!★リスニング学習対応!単語・熟語、例文全てにネイティブのリスニング音声を収録。再生速度は2種類用意。速い速度で聴くことにより、リスニング力がさらにUP。★苦手なポイントを徹底克服!単語カード形式での学習に加え、[単語][穴埋め][リスニング]の3形式のテストで単語・熟語を効率よく習得。★ビジネス英単語も収録!ビジネスシーンで使われる用語も収録されており、実生活で役立ちます。●ご注意このアプリは本体です。他に2つの音声アプリ(無料)が必要です。前バージョン対応の音声アプリはアンインストールをお願いします。音声アプリへは本体アプリから誘導されます。総アプリ容量は約42MBとなります。●対応機種■Docomo-LYNX 3D SH-03CAQUOS PHONE SH-12CAQUOS PHONE f SH-13CAQUOS PHONE SH-01DAQUOS PHONE slider SH-02DQ-pot.Phone SH-04DAQUOS PHONE SH-06DAQUOS PHONE st SH-07DAQUOS PHONE ZETA SH-09DAQUOS PHONE sv SH-10DAQUOS PHONE si SH-01EAQUOS PHONE ZETA SH-02E-F-12CF-09D ANTEPRIMAARROWS kiss F-03DARROWS X LTE F-05DARROWS μ F-07DARROWS X F-10DARROWS Me F-11DARROWS Kiss F-03EARROWS V F-04E-GALAXY S SC-02BGALAXY TAB SC-01CGALAXY SII SC-02CGALAXY SII LTE SC-03DGALAXY NEXUS SC-04DGALAXY Note SC-05DGALAXY Ⅲ SC-06DGALAXY Tab 7.7Plus SC-01EGALAXY Note II SC-02EGALAXY S III α SC-03E-MEDIAS N-04CMEDIAS WP N-06CMEDIAS PP N-01DMEDIAS LTE N-04DMEDIAS ES N-05DMEDIAS X N-07DMEDIAS U N-02EMEDIAS X N-04EDisney mobile N-03E-REGZA Phone T-01CREGZA Phone T-01DREGZA Phone T-02D-Optimus Chat L-04COptimus Pad L-06COptimus bright L-07COptimus LTE L-01DPRADA L-02D-P-07CP-01DP-04DLUMIX Phone P-02DELUGA S P-06DELUGA power P-07D-Xperia arc SO-01CXperia acro SO-02CXperia ray SO-03CXperia PLAY SO-01DXperia NX SO-02DXperia acro HD SO-03DXperia AX SO-01EXperia Z SO-02E-Ascend HW-01E■KDDI-AQUOS PHONE IS11SHAQUOS PHONE IS12SHAQUOS PHONE IS13SHAQUOS PHONE IS14SHAQUOS PHONE SL IS15SHAQUOS PHONE SERIE ISW16SHAQUOS PHONE CL IS17SHAQUOS PHONE SERIE SHL21INFOBAR A01INFOBAR C01-ARROWS Z ISW11FARROWS ES ISW12FARROWS Z ISW13FARROWS ef FJL21-DIGNO ISW11KDIGNO S KYL21URBANO PROGRESSO-GALAXY SII ISW11SCGALAXY S III Progre SCL21-HTC EVO WiMAX ISW11HTHTC EVO 3D ISW12HTHTC J ISW13HTHTC J butterfly HTL21-IS03IS05-GzOne IS11CAGzOne TYPE-L CAL21-MEDIAS BR IS11N-MIRACH IS11PTVEGA PTL21-REGZA Phone IS04REGZA Phone IS11T-Optimus X IS11LGOptimus G LGL21-MOTOROLA PHOTON ISW11MMOTOROLA RAZR IS12M -SIRIUS IS06-Xperia acro IS11SXperia acro HD IS12SXperia VL SOL21NW-F805■SOFTBANK-AQUOS PHONE 006SHAQUOS PHONE THE HYBRID 007SH JAQUOS PHONE THE PREMIUM 009SHAQUOS PHONE 104SHGALAPAGOS 003SHGALAPAGOS 005SH-DELL Streak 001DL-HTC Desire HD-Libero 003Zシンプルスマートフォン 008Z-Sweety 003P-※他の機種での動作は保証致しかねます。※Nexus5では動作致しません。※REGZA Phone T-01では、ビジネス英単語200語のごく一部で単語の最後まで表示されないことがあります。We have reduced the price to a more affordable price! (900 yen ⇒ 600 yen)TwiceBased on Obunshas best-selling books, 2,000 words and idioms carefully selected in the order in which they appear frequently in the test are recorded with example sentences and native voice. TwiceTwiceWith a total of 6,000 questions of listening, vocabulary, and fill-in-the-blank tests, improve your vocabulary and aim for a reliable score increase in a short time!Is your score sluggish due to the vocabulary barrier?The test ended without confidence in my vocabulary, and if I solved one or two more questions, I would have reached the target score. .. .. Have you ever had a bitter experience?This app has menus and functions that allow you to acquire the necessary vocabulary in a short period of time and more efficiently in order to get a high score in TOEIC.With this app, you can not only strengthen your vocabulary, but also create the strongest customized vocabulary just for you.Why dont you train your vocabulary and vocabulary, make a reassuring word bible when you take the exam, and aim for a high TOEIC score?-------------------------------------------------- ----App features-------------------------------------------------- ----★ You can make the strongest vocabulary for you!You can narrow down the questions according to the frequency of questions, the order of test results (not good, fair, perfect, not yet started), part of speech, etc., and you can study according to your style.◎ Recommended usage① Check all the words of frequency rank A② After checking, words, fill in the blanks, listening test③ Focus on the cards you are not good at and test until perfection!④ Challenge the next rank!By repeating this, you will acquire overwhelming TOEIC vocabulary and improve your score!★ Carefully selected simple idioms that often appear!Includes 2000 English words / idioms and 200 business English words carefully selected by Obunsha from TOEIC past data using a unique method!★ Supports listening learning!Native listening voices are recorded for all words, idioms, and example sentences. Two types of playback speeds are available. Listening at a high speed will further improve your listening skills.★ Thoroughly overcome weak points!In addition to learning in vocabulary card format, you can efficiently learn words and idioms with three types of tests: [word], [fill in the blank], and [listening].★ Business English words are also included!It also contains terms used in the business scene and is useful in real life.● CautionThis app is the main body. Two other voice apps (free) are required. Please uninstall the voice application compatible with the previous version. You will be guided to the voice application from the main unit application.The total application capacity is about 42MB.● Compatible models■ DoCoMo---LYNX 3D SH-03CAQUOS PHONE SH-12CAQUOS PHONE f SH-13CAQUOS PHONE SH-01DAQUOS PHONE slider SH-02DQ-pot.Phone SH-04DAQUOS PHONE SH-06DAQUOS PHONE st SH-07DAQUOS PHONE ZETA SH-09DAQUOS PHONE sv SH-10DAQUOS PHONE si SH-01EAQUOS PHONE ZETA SH-02E---F-12CF-09D ANTEPRIMAARROWS kiss F-03DARROWS X LTE F-05DARROWS μ F-07DARROWS X F-10DARROWS Me F-11DARROWS Kiss F-03EARROWS V F-04E---GALAXY S SC-02BGALAXY TAB SC-01CGALAXY SII SC-02CGALAXY SII LTE SC-03DGALAXY NEXUS SC-04DGALAXY Note SC-05DGALAXY Ⅲ SC-06DGALAXY Tab 7.7Plus SC-01EGALAXY Note II SC-02EGALAXY S III α SC-03E---MEDIAS N-04CMEDIAS WP N-06CMEDIAS PP N-01DMEDIAS LTE N-04DMEDIAS ES N-05DMEDIAS X N-07DMEDIAS U N-02EMEDIAS X N-04EDisney mobile N-03E---REGZA Phone T-01CREGZA Phone T-01DREGZA Phone T-02D---Optimus Chat L-04COptimus Pad L-06COptimus bright L-07COptimus LTE L-01DPRADA L-02D---P-07CP-01DP-04DLUMIX Phone P-02DELUGA S P-06DELUGA power P-07D---Xperia arc SO-01CXperia acro SO-02CXperia ray SO-03CXperia PLAY SO-01DXperia NX SO-02DXperia acro HD SO-03DXperia AX SO-01EXperia Z SO-02E---Ascend HW-01E■ KDDI---AQUOS PHONE IS11SHAQUOS PHONE IS12SHAQUOS PHONE IS13SHAQUOS PHONE IS14SHAQUOS PHONE SL IS15SHAQUOS PHONE SERIE ISW16SHAQUOS PHONE CL IS17SHAQUOS PHONE SERIE SHL21INFOBAR A01INFOBAR C01---ARROWS Z ISW11FARROWS ES ISW12FARROWS Z ISW13FARROWS ef FJL21---DIGNO ISW11KDIGNO S KYL21URBANO PROGRESSO---GALAXY SII ISW11SCGALAXY S III Progre SCL21---HTC EVO WiMAX ISW11HTHTC EVO 3D ISW12HTHTC J ISW13HTHTC J butterfly HTL21---IS03IS05---GzOne IS11CAGzOne TYPE-L CAL21---MEDIAS BR IS11N---MIRACH IS11PTVEGA PTL21---REGZA Phone IS04REGZA Phone IS11T---Optimus X IS11LGOptimus G LGL21---MOTOROLA PHOTON ISW11MMOTOROLA RAZR IS12M---SIRIUS IS06---Xperia acro IS11SXperia acro HD IS12SXperia VL SOL21NW-F805■ SOFTBANK---AQUOS PHONE 006SHAQUOS PHONE THE HYBRID 007SH JAQUOS PHONE THE PREMIUM 009SHAQUOS PHONE 104SHGALAPAGOS 003SHGALAPAGOS 005SH---DELL Streak 001DL---HTC Desire HD---Libero 003ZSimple smartphone 008Z---Sweety 003P---* We cannot guarantee the operation with other models.* Does not work on Nexus 5.* On REGZA Phone T-01, only a small part of 200 business English words may not be displayed until the end of the word.わかりやすいように一部文言を修正しました。