"Telemundo 48 El Pasos redesigned weather and news app connects you with the best local content, the most accurate weather forecasts, breaking news, live TV, and investigative journalism.THE AUTHORITY IN TIME FOR THE PASS+ Exclusive real-time radar+ 10-day forecast for El Paso and New Mexico+ Hourly forecasts with customizable graphs+ Detailed forecast information including UV index and dew point+ Weather alerts for your area+ Information on school closings due to bad weather in Texas countiesLIVE NEWS, TRAFFIC AND VIDEO ALERTS+ Personalized alerts for local news and national news from the US-Mexico border+ Breaking news section showing articles in reverse chronological order+ Alert center showing the most important news and trends+ Watch the Telemundo 48 El Paso newscasts and other streaming content live+ Specific section of videos, all access and sports, including the best content of the World CupTELEMUNDO INVESTIGATIONS ANSWERS AND MORE+ Telemundo 48 El Paso Responde solve your problems as a consumer and fight to get your money back+ CNBC Financial News+ Local and national news from NBCU LocalThe Telemundo 48 El Paso news and weather app includes proprietary Nielsen measurement software that will allow you to contribute to market research, such as Nielsen TV Ratings. Please visit www.nielsen.com/digitalprivacy for more information.Your privacy choices: https://www.nbcuniversal.com/privacy/notrtoo-spanish?brandA=Owned_Stations&intake=Telemundo_48_El_PasoCalifornia Notice: https://www.nbcuniversal.com/privacy-policy/aviso-de-california?intake=Telemundo_48_El_PasoTelemundo 48s redesigned news and weather app connects you to the top local content, the most accurate weather forecasts, breaking news alerts, live TV, and investigative journalism.EL PASO WEATHER AUTHORITY+ Exclusive real-time radar+ 10-day forecast for El Paso and New Mexico+ Hourly forecasts for the morning and afternoon with customizable graphics+ Detailed weather information including UV index and dew point+ Information on school weather closings in Texas countiesTEXAS LIVE NEWS ALERTS, TRAFFIC UPDATES AND VIDEO+ Customized alerts for local El Paso, New Mexico, Juarez newsand national U.S - Mexico border news including the latest on immigration+ Breaking news section showing articles in reverse chronological order+ Alert center that displays the most important news and trends you need to know about+ Watch live newscasts from Telemundo 48 El Paso and other streaming content+ Specific video, entertainment and live coverage of sports, including coverage of the World CupTELEMUNDO RESPONSES INVESTIGATIONS AND MORE+ Telemundo 48 Responde solves your consumer problems and fights to get your money back+ Business news from CNBC+ Local and national news from NBCU Local