Excellent: teaching cross-country ski technique for beginners to experts! I'm fairly new to this app, but it's still easy to write a review. The app primarily consists of videos of world-class skiers demonstrating proper technique for both classic and skate skiing. The videos are annotated with coloured lines to demonstrate body alignment & weight-shift, and colour coded to break each technique into three categories (positioning - green, act - red, stabilize - yellow). [At my simple ability level I would call these, in order, 'glide', 'kick' and 'weight transfer']. The videos show the techniques being done both at full-speed, as well as in slow motion, and you can pause the video and step frame-at-a-time forward and backwards to study in detail the exact sequencing of the component actions. I find this app makes it *very easy* to visual how proper technique works for a variety of techniques (skate: offset, two-skate, one-skate, free-skate, diagonal skate; classic: diagonal stride, double poling, one-step, herringbone, step-turn, changing track; downhill: snowplough, stem turn, parallel turn, telemark turn, tuck; performance: video from actual races using both classic & skate technique). At $4.99, this app seems like excellent value.
Cross-country skiing technique at Google Play market analyse