Castle Text Adventure (Ad Supported) - Find the town elders daughter and reunite her with her father. There is a larger world to explore, several items to be used and others to interact with. I hope this will bring back memories of the old text adventures when the only graphics were those in your mind.Format of move command:[GO] DIRECTIONValid directions are:N NORTHS SOUTHE EASTW WESTNE NORTHEASTNW NORTHWESTSE SOUTHEASTSW SOUTHWESTI INO OUTU UPD DOWNINV INVENTORYCommands to be used with items:GETPICKUPDROPEXAMINEREADFormat of NPC interaction command:[GO] COMMAND [AT] (first word of character name)or[GO] COMMAND [TO] (first word of character name)Vailid commands are, you can talk to or look at other characters:TALKYELLLOOKWhat others say and do may contain clues. It is possible to get into a situation where this game cannot be won. Commands in [] are optional and commands in () tell you what is expected by the game while those in capitals are listed below the example.0.90 User suggestion: add command help menu item.0.85 Adjust text descriptions Update android support code0.80 Tidy code Remove redundant variables0.75 Introduce new item.0.70 First release