WHY THEOTOKOS APP?There are plenty of dating apps out there, we agree. Thats why THEOTOKOS creates the first wedding application (lets not be afraid of words, its our vocation).After more than 2000 sacred marriages via THEOTOKOS, the conclusion is clear: we must resemble each other on essential values for a marriage built on rock. It was therefore urgent to create a Christian application capable of marrying the values of Christian singles to precisely allow the marriage of more people. This is our reason for being.This application to marry THEOTOKOS is truly the embodiment of "like attracts like". Simple to use. Terrifyingly efficient. It must be admitted that its particularity lies in the fact of having gone beyond the stage of only allowing meetings between single Christians to take it to the next level; That of aiming for marriage, starting with the essential marriage of values that goes straight to the point. She is the only one to do it, and at THEOTOKOS we believe in it! GOD made us in his image for a perfect and eternal marriage, so why re-invent the wheel? HE is much more than a safe bet, right?HOW DOES THE MARRIAGE OF VALUES APP WORK?We have opted for the 25 most important values for you, but also we offer common vibrations and deep aspirations to express. Enough to globally manifest the moral value that you yourself embody or that you are looking for in a concise way.In concrete terms, all you have to do is download the THEOTOKOS application on your mobile. You then create your profile by filling in as much information as possible. Not only the more information (including photos), the more likely you are to be contacted, but also the more information, the more relevant our Christian dating algorithm will be in the search. of a unique marriage of your values. And if your current values evolve, stay in the Peace of our Lord, our cursors evolve with you.THEOTOKOS TARIFF: LETS BE IN TRUTH It is work. A lot of work. And its expensive. Very expensive, a dating app. However, we happily offer these free THEOTOKOS “mode” features:- Activity notifications- Messages from subscribed members with Privilege option- Discovery of visits, favorites and first steps received and sent- Consultation of the profiles of your correspondents and singles who have interacted with yours (visits, sending favorites, first steps, invitation to an event)- H24 access to our webzine "The guide to Christian meetings" + consultation of events offered by members and Theotokos.But GOD said "You will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow until you return to the earth" and we have families like you to support, working full time to serve you. We need to offer you the THEOTOKOS subscription to continue our mission. But the payment is on the one hand calculated at the lowest and on the other hand, what you pay with joy contributes to the work of the sacred marriage that we have been aiming for for 17 years and which began with a real step of faith with Le Lord. So be blessed for your contributions. Here is what the paid mode allows:- Unlimited messages and photo consultation of all Christian singles- Know the profiles corresponding to your ideal + those for which you are the idealParticipation and organization of events during the term of your subscription- Discounts reserved for subscribers on events organized by Theotokos and Theotokos Voyages (videoconferences, stays between singles and single parents)→ SOME USEFUL LINKS ←- Frequently asked questions: https://www.theotokos.fr/aides-et-conseils/aide.html- Any questions? Suggestions ? Do not hesitate to write to us at:
[email protected]