So, all OK with your finances?If you are looking for a simple, easy and effective tool for your financial control, know the Finances. Okay. Have control of your finances wherever you are, entries, exits, launches quickly and easily. Know where and how to save money by seeing where your money is going, that coffee every day, that going to the mall, parking, gas, everyday expenses, that at the end of the month in the amount, it makes the difference and can delay your future plans. Begin to control what goes in and what comes out and see that saving is possible with this tool as support.Some options available:- Postings without needing to register categories previously- Parcel control- Easy visualization of open and downloaded launches- Multiple selection of postings for deletion or deletion- Calculator, readjustment in the plot, light bill, it was easy to recalculate- Plot views (repeat or split) projected releases- Balance of the previous month and balance due current month * Performing all scheduled postings for the month, you can see how your final balance will be- Personalization of categories for better identification- General summary (total balance by category, filter entry or exit, month, period)- Check prices directly from the App and see if it fits your budget- Foreign currency quotations- Personalization, security and data* Settings - Password protection - Money exchange - General cleaning of data - Customize Finance Ok, change top and footer color, colors of icons and floating buttons - Submit your comments and support directly through the applicationOk Finance is constantly updated, periodical, with new features, mainly integrating suggestions from its users.So, lets start a new experience in financial control? =)- Correction of the failure to backup to the cloud;- Background mode permission;