to do list work work study record appIt is an application that notes what to doAn app for taking notes and recording what you do every dayCome to think of it, I have to do that! Recommended for those who want to record before forgettingRecommended for those who want to make a note of what they have to doRecommended for people who want to make notes without forgetting what they have to doRecommended for forgetful people.▼CategoryYou can enter to-dos and categories.Tap the category menu at the top to display the list of categories. Tap the list to display a list of things to do in the selected category.▼Transfer of model change dataTap "Model change data transfer" in the menu to display the following selection screen.・File creation (create a backup file for model change)・Restore (restore data from backup file)Step A. Steps to create a backup file1.Tap "Model change data transfer" in the menu.2. Tap Create file.3. Tap "Create file" on the confirmation screen.4. Tap "Select app" on the send screen.5. Tap “Save to Drive”.Step B. Restore (restore data from backup file in step A)1. Launch Google Drive on your new smartphone/tablet, select the backup file, and tap "Download" from the menu.2. Install this app on your new smartphone/tablet from google play. Launch the app.3.Tap "Model change data transfer" in the menu.4. Tap Restore.5.Tap the file to restore from the list of files to restore.