TachoLab is an application for data analysis from digital tachographs. It allows everything from downloading files from digital tachographs to a detailed analysis of already downloaded files. The analysis shows all the key parameters that can be considered in the drivers working hours as well as data concerning the vehicle itself (records of committed offenses, amount of work done, the rest of the allowed working hours, the amount of necessary daily / weekly rest, dates of calibration of tachographs, etc.).TachoLab is a complete tool that provides assistance both to field drivers and office personnel. The application represents a simple connection and accessibility of data for all key players in the work process of the driver or vehicle.TachoLab operates in accordance with all the factors and guidelines of the European Regulations and Agreements. The application accurately records the committed violations, information on working hours and driver stops, and vehicle data, such as the date of the next calibration of the tachograph, all through a simple user interface on mobile devices and computers.There are several ways to use the application; independently along with a standard card reader and in combination with a tracking device in the vehicle itself.FOOTNOTE:Your mobile device must support the USB OTG function.