Dear user. The Magic Table application was developed by requests from several users using the Outline applications provided by DalfrenoApps.Please read the text carefully!The method or technique of using the "Magic Table" is at the discretion of each user.Developer points out that the method of using the "Magic Table" to choose tens and bet them in lotteries, has no mathematical scientific basis and even less any relationship with the binary factor existing in computers.Well, in the world of computing and especially in programming, binary refers only to 0 and 1 (on or off) and in the "Magic Table", numbers from 0 to 9 are used.For this reason, the developer warns the user that in no way the "Magic Table" will allow a possible favoring of his luck, unless of course other techniques are used allied to it, such as:(Closings or Numerical Unfoldings), because they do have a mathematical scientific basis and can help you in favoring your luck.Developer does not guarantee success in hits or possible prizes with the use of (Magic Table), because as already said, this method has no mathematical scientific basis.Its just a fun and random way of picking numbers.*Never forget!Luck is a predominant factor in any type of bet!For this reason, the use of the (Magic Table Application) as a basis for choosing the numbers for betting on lotteries is at the users own risk.Questions, compliments, complaints or suggestions, please contact us via the support email:
[email protected]