Swapit brings buyers and sellers together to trade pre-loved items. Our unique approach to create a hyper-local marketplace, makes your shopping experience one of a kind.Swapit is free to use, free to sell and free to buy. Give it try now!With the Swapit app you can:• Sell easily and quickly.• Shop for pre-loved and new items nearby your current location, or across town.• Get stuff for free.• Know the items location.• View the buyers or sellers profile.• Chat privately with sellers and buyers. Seamless, directly in the app.• Negotiate prices.• Search for items in different categories.• Enjoy a truly mobile marketplace right on your phone!SELLERS PERKS• Sell quick. It takes less than 30 seconds to post an item.• List for free with up to 3 photos.• Sell pre-loved or new items.• Offer items for free if you wish.• No fee charged. It is really 100% free! No more percentage, commission or transaction fees for your listings.• Chat directly with potential buyers in private chats.• Easily share your items on your Facebook timeline or in Facebook groups - reach thousands of potential buyers.• Easily share your items through WeChat, WhatsApp, BBM, email, SMS or more.• Straight forward management of your seller profile.• Sell stuff and make some money from it. It takes just some seconds.BUYERS PERKS• Browse for items in your neighborhood.• Get notified when items nearby pop up.• Show your interest in certain product categories.• You want it right now? Get it right now.• Items nearby can be easily picked up within minutes.• Chat directly with sellers in private chats. No emails, no phone calls needed. Seamless and easy.• Filter items by price range, category, condition and more.• Swapit - the hyper local marketplace thats always open 24/7.PREMIUM SERVICESSwapit offers premium features that make it tremendously faster to sell your items to people nearby. Such premium are absolutely optional and can be purchased if youd like to take advantage of them. Swapits free marketplace still is free for buyers and sellers and will remain free. Swapits Premium features just provide additional benefits to take full advantage of the entire Swapit trading platform.PRE-LOVED EXPLAINEDPre-Loved items are second hand items, which are still in good and sometimes in excellent condition. Such items were used by the owner (now seller) and are offered on Swapit.PRIVACYWe respect your privacy. We don’t share your information. Period.SECURITY and SAFETYSwapit uses your Google Account to verify the authenticity of you as a user. Therefore, Swapit requires a Google Account to be set up on your Android device. If you are not logged into your Google Account on your device, Swapit will ask you to do so, to ensure you are authenticated properly. As part of this, Swapit gets access to your Google Accounts email address. We will only use this email address for account-related issues regarding your Swapit account, should there be any need for this in future.BETA NOTICESwapit is still in beta. Bugs may occur and we appreciate your feedback.Download the "swapit" app for free and enjoy the hyper-local marketplace on-the-go!You have problems? Before writing a review, please reach out to us by email via
[email protected]. Were here to help.Want to know more about swapit?Visit our website: http://swapit.laRead our blog: https://blog.swapit.laGet in touch with us:+ Join us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/swapitla+ Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/swapitla+ Follow us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/swapitla+ Send an email:
[email protected] pimped Swapit for you! Heres what we did: ⭐ FEATURE Your items to get them in front of a massive audience.⭐ COUPON CODES Use FIRSTFEATURE coupon code to feature one of your items now.⭐ BUGFIX Improved stability and performance!⭐ PROFILE PICTURE ZOOM View the sellers profile picture in big.Believe it or not, all your feedback made this possible. Stay tuned for our next update and in the meanwhile: Swapit la!