Dear Divine Office Community,We have been a ministry dedicated to bringing the Liturgy of the Hours to everyone everywhere for many years. We grew out of an RCIA Committee to become facilitators of thousands of people who pray together. I have dedicated more than 10 years in God’s service to this work. In that zeal to serve and naivety we acquired some permissions, but we are missing some key ones. We have been asked, understandably so, to close off our ministry to new people while we go through the lengthy process of acquiring permissions. For this reason, we are discounting this app for 3 days to allow our existing community and friends access, but after that we will remove it from sale. It will continue to function for as long as we permitted, but until we receive all appropriate permissions it won’t be available again for sale. Dane FalknerGod servant and producer of Divine Office----The Best Catholic iPhone and iPad App! [ Readers Choice Awards winner]. This app is an opportunity for you to participate in the recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours: the public prayer of the Christian community.NOTE: This app is in English only.Hours included for each day are:* Invitatory* Office of Readings* Morning Prayer* Midmorning Prayer* Midday Prayer* Midafternoon Prayer* Evening Prayer* Night PrayerThis app will automatically update its content while you are running it with an Internet connection.This App is an audio and text version of the official set of daily prayers from the Liturgy of the Hours of the Roman Catholic Church (Breviary). It wirelessly downloads several days of prayers at a time, without the need for synchronization or access to a computer.For clergy required to pray the Liturgy of the Hours daily, or laity who recite the daily prayers to maintain their intimate connection with God, The Divine Office App is designed to make praying more convenient, enjoyable, and simple enough for anyone to use. It automatically downloads the appropriate prayers for each office, every day of the year, including Solemnities, Feasts, and Memorials. The Divine Office App uses the current four-volume Liturgy of the Hours with a bias towards the USA calendar. This version is the official prayer book of the Catholic Church, however, it is suitable for those following Eastern Orthodox and Anglican traditions. When St. Paul advises us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to “pray without ceasing,” he intends more than simply bowing our heads and speaking to God on a regular basis. He means for us to adopt an ongoing attitude of prayer that is a way of life and a constant intercession for the salvation of all mankind.As the mystical body of Christ prays in unison, it fulfills what Paul advises as Christian conduct, that believers at once pray for the good of themselves, their neighbors, and the world. In this way, prayers become liturgy, a way to fulfill our divine calling and a practical approach for addressing the suffering of the world.The English translation of The Liturgy of the Hours (Four Volumes) ©1974, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Used with permission by Surgeworks, Inc for the Divine Office Catholic Ministry. website, podcast, apps and all related media is © 2006-2011 Surgeworks, Inc. All rights reserved.- crash fixes