Star Walk 2 - Sky Guide: View Stars Day and Night is a stargazing app for both experienced and novice astronomy lovers. Explore the stars at any time and place, find planets, learn about constellations and other sky objects. Star Walk 2 is a great astronomy tool to identify objects on the map of the stars and planets in real time.nnMain features:nnâ
This constellation star finder shows the real-time sky map on your screen in whatever direction you are pointing the device.* To navigate, pan your view on screen by swiping in any direction, zoom out by pinching the screen, or zoom in by stretching it. Night sky observation is extremely easy with Star Walk 2 - explore the stars anytime and anywhere.nnâ
Enjoy AR stargazing with Star Walk 2. View stars, constellations, planets, satellites and other night sky objects in augmented reality. Orient your device toward the sky, tap on the image of the camera and the astronomy app will activate your devices camera so you can see charted objects appear superimposed on live sky objects. nnâ
Learn a lot about the solar system, constellations, stars, comets, asteroids, spacecraft, nebulas, identify their position on the map of the sky in real time. Find any celestial body following a special pointer on the map of the stars and planets. nnâ
With our sky guide app you will get a deeper understanding of the constellation`s scale and place in the night sky map. Enjoy observing wonderful 3D models of constellations, turn them upside down, read their stories and other astronomy facts.**nnâ
Touching a clock-face icon at the upper-right corner of the screen allows you select any date and time and lets you go forward or backward in time and watch the night sky map of stars and planets in fast motion. Exciting stargazing experience!nnâ
Except for map of the stars and planets, find and study the deep-sky objects, satellites in space live, meteor showers, extensive information about the solar system.** The night-mode of this stargazing app will make your sky observation at night time more comfortable. Stars, constellations and satellites overhead are closer than you think. nnâ
Be aware of the latest news from the world of outer space and astronomy. The "Whats new" section of our stargazing app will tell you about the most outstanding astronomical events in time.nnStar Walk 2 is a perfect constellations, stars and planets finder which can be used by both adults and children, space amateurs and serious stargazers to learn astronomy by themselves. It is also a great educational tool for teachers to use during their natural science and astronomy lessons. nnAstronomy app Star Walk 2 in the tourism industry:nnâRapa Nui Stargazingâ based on Easter Island uses the app for sky observations during its astronomical tours.nnâNakai Resorts Groupâ in the Maldives uses the app during astronomy meetings for its guests.nnIf youâve ever said to yourself âIâd like to learn constellations and identify stars in the night skyâ or wondered âIs that a star or a planet?â, Star Walk 2 is the stargazing app youâve been looking for! Learn astronomy, explore map of the stars and planets in real time.nn*The Star Spotter feature wont work for the devices that are not equipped with the gyroscope and compass.nnAstronomy List to view:nnStars and Constellations: Sirius, Alpha Centauri, Arcturus, Vega, Capella, Rigel, Spica, Castor.nPlanets: Sun, Mercury,Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.nDwarf planets and asteroids: Ceres, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna, Eris, ErosnMeteor showers: Perseids, Lyrids, Aquarids, Geminids, Ursids, etc.nConstellations: Andromeda, Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Cassiopeia, Libra, Pisces, Scorpius, Ursa Major, etc.nSpace missions & satellites: Curiosity, Luna 17, Apollo 11, Apollo 17, SEASAT, ERBS, ISS.nnStart your stargazing experience with one of the best astronomy apps right now!nn**Available through In-App purchases