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Spin City at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Maps & Navigation
Developer: Urban Mobility d.o.o.
Price: 0 free
Current version: 2.2.5, last update: 2 years ago
First release : 29 Apr 2020
App size: 13 Mb
4.8 ( 1488 ratings )

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Through the Spin City app step into a new era of urban mobility.Locate free vehicles all over the city and choose one depending on your current position. Reserve the nearest vehicle in one second, unlock it with Spin City app and drive. As soon as you reach your destination, you lock it with an app and youre free to go! Enjoy full flexibility and your journey through city. Spin City app allows you easy access to any car 24/7. With our app you can: ā€¢ Locate free vehicles ā€¢ Find out every important information about a vehicle, current location and fuel levelā€¢ Reserve your vehicle for 15 minutes with a single touchā€¢ Use navigation that will help you get to your destination as soon as possibleā€¢ Unlock your car with a single touchā€¢ Choose a package (Spin na sat?) and you can activate it right before your rideā€¢ Lock your car through your smartphoneā€¢ You can check your history Download Spin City app and be a part of the first car sharing service in Croatia.Spin City service is complitely suitable to dinamic and exciting life in a big city.Our vehicles are available at any time, anywhere and for as long as you wish for.You dont have to worry about gas, parking, inscurance and maintnance because Spin City takes care of everything.There is no more flexible and easy way to get from place A to a place B.Forget about horrible traffic and waiting. Spin City waits for you, 24/7.What do you need?Relax. Smartphone and a drivers license is all you need for a comfortable ride through the city anytime you want.Spin City driver earns money and saves environment.With maximal flexibility and comfort in a city ride, Spin City also takes care of environment. You can use conventional car, but you also have available electric cars. Remember: with Spin City the air will be healthier. Think green. Drive Spin City!Locate, unlock and drive, its that simple!Spin City earns your time and money. Saves environment and takes you anywhere you want!Who cares, shares!optimization and bug fixes

Tried to give it a shot... but it sucks.. the whole process sucks. I wasted 15 minutes of unnecessary info to realise there isn't a free period. 150 kn for a membership application?? My visa application costs less. Change the way you do business. Also I could've gotten much better and much faster service at uber.

Nije komplentna, ne radi na bitnim djelovima. Nakon registracije pokusao sam se logirati pri cemu dobijem poruku da korisnicko ime ili lozinka nije dobro. Potrebna poruka da racun jos nije aktiviran a ne da se gnjavim. Na login ekranu trazi te korisnicko ime, to ne postoji, treba pisat e-mail posto je on jedini identifikator. Mapa steka, pogotovo kad se odabere neko vozilo pa se odluci skrolat po mapi a nije se zgasio onaj dio ekrana di pisu detalji o vozilu. Ako je vise vozila blizu, i zoom na karti je dosta udaljen, onda nekad umjesto da je pokazatelj sa dva ili vise vozila vidi se samo bijeli kvadratic, greska kod ucitavanja slike (nekad radi normalno). VELIKI PROBLEM: nakon zavrsetka rada s vozilom, ako kliknete back vrati vas na ekran sa kljucem, zasto pobogu? i prilikom pregledavanja "rezervacija" tj zavrsenih voznji, klikom na natrag zna vratiti na ekran sa kljucem (?!?!?). Nekad ne zeli otkljucat vozilo, znao sam poludit i jednostavno iskoristit karticu. JOS JEDAN VELIKI PROBLEM: zaboravio sam jednom zgasit svijetlo, otkljucam auto sa karticom, zgasim svijetlo i odma zakljucam. Pise mi da je rezervacija aktivna (?). I ne postoji korisnicki profil sa podacima i minutama.

I used only a demo version. It crashed a couple of times in only 5 mins. Web page for registration does not look good on Android, I've tried Chrome and Opera. The idea is good though hence two stars. As far as the implementation is concerned it's more like a prototype made by students than a working product.

Aplikacija se ruŔi, i nema najbitnije informacije. Količina preostalih minuta za vožnju.

Voznja je zabavna, koristenje jednostavno, auti novi i uredni, isplati se proci kompleksniju registraciju. Preporuka!!

Definitivno fali broj pregled preostalih minuta i prikaz parking mjesta na manjem zoomu karte. Trenutno se P mjesta prikažu tek kada zazumiram do same ulice u kojoj se P nalazi, Ŕto podrazumijeva da znam gdje je P mjesto...

Aplikacija se sruŔi na Android Oreo 8.0

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