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GET 賴世雄英文文法 at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Developer: Soyong Corp.
Price: 0 free
Current version: 1.0, last update: 2 years ago
First release : 13 Mar 2015
App size: 33 Mb
4.8 ( 3008 ratings )

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您上過英文補教名師-賴世雄老師的文法課嗎?如果您未能恭逢賴老師堂堂爆滿的精彩課程,那您絕對要來體驗一下《賴世雄英文文法》課程。《賴世雄英文文法》全書1-14章,《賴世雄英文文法》Lite版提供第1-2章課程內容與第1章第1節《講解》,讓您在淺顯易懂的文字解說,與賴老師風趣幽默話語中,輕鬆領略英文文法規則與重要觀念。《賴世雄英文文法》付費版包含全書1-14章,但不含語音講解的課程,如需語音講解課程,必須在App內加購與下載!除了鉅細靡遺的解說外,每一章均提供測驗練習,每題均附解答與詳解,極利於想把英文文法徹底學好的人士使用。本書可說是坊間最容易學習、也最容易吸收的最佳英文文法參考書,值得親愛的讀者細細品味。【產品特色】1.從單字造句出發:揚棄傳統的八大詞類分項解說,讓讀者立即認識主詞及動詞,明瞭單句造句的基本原則。2.細談連接詞用法: 使讀者明白連接詞的用法,進而熟悉複句或複雜句造句方式。3.搭配有聲講解版: 賴世雄老師與台大教授Karen Chung老師,針對內容旁徵博引的講解,讓讀者隨時隨地『聽』英文文法,以加強印象。(Lite版搭配第1章第1節《講解》提供體驗)請注意:講解內容並非依照書本內容逐句完整講解,但十分精采,搭配內容學習,效果更佳!【學習功能】1.Mebook 目錄條理分明:分14章,400則以上文法解析,條目分明,內容豐富。2.搜尋:輸入關鍵字即可查找想學習了解的Mebook 內容。3.書籤:將重要學習內容標以書籤,方便日後反覆復習。4.筆記:學習過程中,可做筆記;按章節排列筆記順序,方便查閱。5.字體:可依需求調整字體大小。● 製作發行:曉騰國際● 客服聯絡:如對產品有任何想法或建議,或者使用上遭遇問題,都歡迎和我們聯絡-   1. 客服信箱:[email protected]   2. 客服留言板:   3. 客服電話:請於上班時間來電02-77210772轉510   我們一定竭誠為您服務。Have you ever taken a grammar class given by a famous English tutor-Lai Shixiong? If you cant respect the wonderful course full of teachers Lai, then you definitely want to experience the "Lai Shixiong English Grammar" course."Lai Shixiong English Grammar" chapters 1-14, "Lai Shixiong English Grammar" Lite version provides the course content of Chapters 1-2 and Chapter 1, Section 1 "Explanation", allowing you to explain in plain and easy-to-understand text, and teacher Lai In the humorous discourse, you can easily appreciate the rules and important concepts of English grammar. The paid version of "Lai Shixiong English Grammar" contains chapters 1-14 of the book, but does not include audio-guided courses. If you need audio-guided courses, you must purchase and download them in the App!In addition to detailed explanations, each chapter provides test exercises, and each question is accompanied by answers and detailed explanations, which is extremely helpful for people who want to thoroughly learn English grammar. This book can be said to be the best English grammar reference book that is the easiest to learn and the easiest to absorb in the market, and it is worth savoring by dear readers.【feature of product】1. Starting from single-character sentence making: Sublate the traditional eight parts of speech sub-categories, allowing readers to immediately recognize the subject and verb, and understand the basic principles of single sentence making.2. Discuss the usage of conjunctive words in detail: Make readers understand the usage of conjunctive words, and then become familiar with the way of making complex sentences or complex sentences.3. Accompanied with an audio commentary version: Ms. Lai Shixiong and NTU professor Karen Chung provide a quotational explanation for the content, allowing readers to "listen" to English grammar anytime and anywhere to enhance their impression. (Lite version provides experience with Chapter 1, Section 1 "Explanation")Please note: the content of the explanation is not based on the content of the book to explain completely sentence by sentence, but it is very brilliant, learning with the content, the effect is better!【Learning function】1. The Mebook catalog is well organized: 14 chapters, more than 400 grammatical analysis, clear entries and rich content.2. Search: Enter keywords to find the Mebook content you want to learn.3. Bookmarks: bookmark important learning content to facilitate repeated review in the future.4. Notes: You can take notes during the learning process; the order of notes is arranged in chapters for easy reference.5. Font: Font size can be adjusted according to needs.● Production and distribution: Xiaoteng International● Customer service contact: If you have any ideas or suggestions about the product, or encounter problems in use, please contact us-  1. Customer service mailbox: [email protected]  2. Customer service message board:  3. Customer service phone: please call 02-77210772 and 510 during office hours   We will serve you wholeheartedly.




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