*****利用字源、字形、字音的記憶口訣與聯想,搭配書寫功能,初學者也能輕鬆記住50音!*****內容授權:寂天出版適用對象:日文初學者這是針對從來沒有學過日文,想開始學日文的初學者所精心設計的。《五十音輕鬆學》利用記憶口訣,並強調利用字源、字形、字音聯想的方式,同時搭配書寫功能,讓您不但記得快,還可達到過目不忘的效果。選對方法,五十音也能輕鬆學!利用「手、口、眼、耳」,學習最有效率!●聯想記憶:採用好聽、好記、好玩的學習口訣或記憶聯想,很快就能把五十音全部記起來。●語音記憶:真人發音,讓您看字的同時,立即掌握正確發音。●字源記憶:標示每個假名的字源演變,透過對字形的認識,增加記憶。●書寫記憶:正確演練筆順,讓您認識正確的字體寫法,也能動手書寫,邊聽邊寫邊唸,記憶加倍。●單字記憶:單字學習搭配圖片,強化記憶,輕鬆學習。●測驗練習:透過六種測驗練習,自我檢測學習成果,同時反覆練習,加強印象。●自建題庫:利用書籤功能自建專屬的五十音測驗題庫,針對不熟的部份加強練習。《五十音輕鬆學》讓您利用聯想,並且手口眼耳並用,在短期內迅速背好五十音,並永生難忘,讓學日文有個最美好的開始!● 客服聯絡:如對產品有任何想法或建議,或者使用上遭遇問題,都歡迎和我們聯絡-1. 客服信箱:
[email protected]. 客服留言板:https://www.mebook.com.tw/app/main/guestbook.asp3. 客服電話:請於上班時間來電02-77210772轉510 我們一定竭誠為您服務。*****Using the memory mantras and associations of the source, shape and sound of the word, with the writing function, beginners can easily remember 50 sounds! *****Content authorization: Jitian PublishingTarget audience: Japanese beginnersThis is designed for beginners who have never learned Japanese before and want to start learning Japanese."Kana Syllabary Easy Learning" uses memorizing mantras, and emphasizes the use of word source, shape, and sound association. At the same time, with the writing function, you can not only remember fast, but also achieve the effect of not forgetting.Choose the right method, and the kana syllabary can be easily learned! Use "hands, mouth, eyes, ears" to learn most efficiently!●Associative memory: Use nice, easy-to-remember, and fun learning formulas or memory associations, and you can quickly memorize all the kana syllables.●Voice memory: pronunciation by a real person, allowing you to immediately master the correct pronunciation while reading the words.●Character memory: mark the evolution of the character source of each kana, and increase the memory through the understanding of the glyph.●Writing memory: Practice the stroke order correctly, so that you can understand the correct font writing, and you can also write by hand, listening and writing while reading, and the memory is doubled.●Single word memory: learning single words with pictures, strengthening memory and easy learning.●Test exercises: Through six test exercises, self-test learning results, while repeated exercises to strengthen the impression.● Self-built question bank: Use the bookmark function to build your own exclusive kana syllabary test question bank to strengthen practice for the unfamiliar parts."Easily Learning Kana Syllabary" allows you to use Lenovo, and use both hands, mouth, eyes and ears to quickly memorize the kana syllabary in a short period of time, and you will never forget it, so that you can have the best start to learning Japanese!● Customer service contact: If you have any thoughts or suggestions about the product, or encounter problems in use, please contact us-1. Customer service mailbox:
[email protected]. Customer service message board: https://www.mebook.com.tw/app/main/guestbook.asp3. Customer service phone: please call 02-77210772 to 510 during office hours We will serve you wholeheartedly.1.新增:假名的聯想記憶2.調整使用介面的流程