App times out and gives error on every search at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
App times out and gives error on every search
Ok, so it seems to be working, but what's the point? It takes a while to load, I have to fill in my search area each time and then it only gives you one weeks worth of boot sales, with the possibility to pay for more information! Easier solution is to tap 'Internet >favourites>vide grenier' where I am taken directly to the main site and have a list of every boot sale for the whole year! And of course it's free!
It will be good if they can be translated to english
Tres pratique.!
Marche plutÎt bien, il faudrait pouvoir trouver l'info des manifestations périodiques (genre tous les mois...) car on arrive parfois sur des endroits vides. Sinon nickel. Staff réactif bravo.
Ca manque quand meme d un filtre sur la distance. J aimerai par exemple n avoir que les evenements sur 15km maximum. Edit: super le tri par kilometre!!