Avec lâapplication SogĂ©retraite, vous accĂ©dez depuis votre mobile ou tablette Ă toute lâinformation concernant votre contrat dâĂ©pargne retraite Entreprise (Article 83).En naviguant sur lâapplication, retrouvez notamment :- La synthĂšse du contrat de retraite Article 83 auquel vous ĂȘtes adhĂ©rent prĂ©cisant le montant de votre Ă©pargne, la rĂ©partition de vos encours, les cotisations versĂ©es par votre employeur, les versements individuels facultatifs que vous avez Ă©ventuellement rĂ©alisĂ©s,âŠ- Le dĂ©tail des supports financiers sur lesquels votre Ă©pargne retraite est investie comme ceux qui sont disponibles Ă vos investissements,- Lâhistorique de vos opĂ©rations : arbitrages, changement de mode de gestion, etc.- Les informations relatives Ă votre adhĂ©sion telles que le numĂ©ro dâadhĂ©sion, le type de contrat, le type de gestion, vos coordonnĂ©es, etc.With the SogĂ©retraite app, you can access all information about your company retirement savings plan from your mobile or tablet (Article 83).While browsing the application, find in particular:- The summary of the Article 83 retirement contract to which you are a member specifying the amount of your savings, the distribution of your outstanding, the contributions paid by your employer, optional individual payments that you may have made, ...- The details of the financial supports on which your retirement savings are invested as those available for your investments,- The history of your operations: arbitrations, change of management mode, etc.- Information about your membership such as membership number, type of contract, type of management, your contact details, etc.Nouvelle version de lapplication