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[email protected] y a déjà 500 000 utilisateurs qui font leurs courses avec Coupon Network ! Pourquoi pas vous ? Suivez-nous sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/CouponNetworkFranceSuivez-nous sur Instagram : @couponnetworkSite internet : https://www.couponnetwork.frRejoignez la communauté maintenant pour ne laisser passer aucunes promotions !YOUR SHOPPING REIMBURSED IN 48H WITH COUPON NETWORK!Coupon Network offers you food reduction vouchers and refund offers valid in all stores (Monoprix, Intermarché, Carrefour, Super U, E. Leclerc, etc.), Drive and home delivery. Every week discover new offers on major everyday brands to save even more on your shopping. READY TO SAVE?Get reimbursed in just 3 clicks:⹠Activate your favorite offers⹠Buy products in store, Drive or home delivery⹠Send your proofs of purchaseHop! You are refunded within 48 hours to your bank or Paypal account. EVEN EASIER, ADD YOUR LOYALTY CARDSDo you have a Carrefour, Intermarché, Super U, Monoprix or Supermarché Match loyalty card? Its even simpler: the reimbursement is done automatically when you present your loyalty card in store during your purchases.Coupon Network is the easiest way to save money every month! SAVE ON TOP BRANDSCoupon Network is THE good plan to benefit from discounts on all the major brands. Find promotions corresponding to your usual departments: drinks department, frozen department, fresh department, animal department or even hygiene and beauty. There is something for every taste. Among all the promotions available, find your favorite big brands: Always, Andros, Ariel, Café Royal, Bonne Maman, Charal, Charles & Alice, Le Chat, Nana, Dash, Kelloggs, Signal, Pasquier, Whiskas... and many more again ! MORE THAN A COUPONBut thats not all... New products, contests, sponsorship, quiz & video bonuses, good shopping deals are available to help you save even more! And every week new offers are added to allow you to save on your shopping, regardless of the store where you buy your products. TOTEM: PLAY WITH YOUR FAVORITE BRANDSWith Totem, play with your favorite stores and everyday brands.How it works ?⹠Add your loyalty card (Carrefour, Intermarché, Super U, Monoprix or Supermarché Match)⹠Participate in challenges personalized for you⹠Buy your products in store, drive or home delivery⹠Hop, get your reward!Saving on your daily purchases has never been so easy and fun! Discover now the challenges on your brands: Dash, LOr, PomPotes, Pasquier, Contrex, Maxwell House, Trésor, Petit Navire, Mir, Lotus, Haribo, Andros, Fleury Michon and many others. Totem allows you to earn euros during your shopping!THE COUPON NETWORKOur discount coupons are valid in all brands in metropolitan France* of hypermarkets, supermarkets and mini-markets as well as Drive & home delivery.The brands are present throughout France: Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Nice, Nantes, Strasbourg, Montpellier, Bordeaux, Lille... and our discount coupons are accepted regardless of your city!*Hypermarkets; Auchan, Carrefour, Carrefour Planet, Cora, E. Leclerc, Géant Casino, Hyper USupermarkets; Aldi, Carrefour city, Carrefour contact, Carrefour market, Casino, Intermarché, Lidl, Match, Monoprix, Simply Market, Super USupermarkets; 8 à Huit, Carrefour express, Carrefour mountain, Dia, Franprix, G20, Leader Price, Marché Plus, Proxi, Spar*subject to product availability. For more information contact us at the following address:
[email protected] are already 500,000 users shopping with Coupon Network! Why not you ? Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CouponNetworkFranceFollow us on Instagram: @couponnetworkWebsite: https://www.couponnetwork.frJoin the community now to never miss out on any promotions!Merci déconomiser sur vos courses avec Coupon Network !Cette nouvelle version contient la correction de bugs techniques et permet ainsi lamélioration des performances de lapplication. A bientÎt sur Coupon Network.