Omni Exam App is one stop learning platform for preparation for all India level Government Job Exams. By registering on the app for free , students get mock test paper, PDF Notes. Mock test OFFERED- Central Government Job Exam (केन्द्रीय सरकारी नौकरी ) - IAS, Railway (NTPC, Group D), RPF, RBI, IB, SSC,(GD, CGL, CHSL, CPO, MTS), CTET, KVS, Loco pilot, DSSSB (TGT, PRT, LDC), UGC NETRajasthan Government Exam (राजस्थान सरकारी नौकरी ) - RAS Sub Inspector(SI) , LDC, Computer Instructor, Informatics Assistant , Jr, Accountant , JVVNL, Lab assistant , High court (Group D, LDC ) VDO, PTET, RO/EO UNIQUE FEATURES OF Omni Exam app - • Create self tests • make your custom flash cards & MCQ • Night mode to study notes al night • change the font size of Quiz self-analysis allows aspirants to assess the level of preparation in order to improve performance in the competitive exams. it also aids the student to sort through the available abundance of materials and streamline their preparation smartly.