This application is designed to work with Following Set Top Boxes:AADHAAR RemoteABC DIGITAL RemoteABCD DIGITAL RemoteABPL RemoteACC RemoteACN RemoteACT RemoteACV RemoteAIRTEL RemoteAKASHDEEP RemoteALL DIGITAL RemoteALTIMETRIC DIGITAL RemoteAMAN DIGITAL RemoteAMN RemoteAROHAN DIGITAL RemoteASIANET RemoteB-DIGITAL RemoteB-VIGNESH RemoteBADRI KEDAR RemoteBCCN RemoteBCN RemoteBEETEL RemoteBHATIA RemoteBHOOMIKA RemoteBHUMIKA RemoteBIG TV RemoteBINA CITY CABLE RemoteBLING ICE RemoteBRDS RemoteBRIGHTWAY RemoteBROADWAYS DIGITAL RemoteBSN RemoteC-NET RemoteCABLE CAST RemoteCAT VISION RemoteCCN RemoteCCN DIGITAL RemoteCEL RemoteCISCO RemoteCITY SKY RemoteCLE RemoteCLEAR TV RemoteCN DIGITAL RemoteCNET RemoteCOSSIP RemoteCREATIVE RemoteCRYSTAL RemoteCTH RemoteDARSH RemoteDB-JEE RemoteDDC-3 RemoteDEN RemoteDEWSHREE RemoteDHAN RemoteDIGIANA RemoteDIGICABLE RemoteDIGITAL RemoteDIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT RemoteDIGITEK RemoteDIGITELLY RemoteDILOS RemoteDISH NEPAL RemoteDISH TV RemoteDOEN TV RemoteDUROSTAR RemoteEDIGITAL RemoteEM DIGITAL RemoteEMT RemoteFASTWAY RemoteFDI RemoteFFW RemoteFIBTRON RemoteFUJITSU RemoteGDN RemoteGIPL RemoteGOA DIGITAL RemoteGOSPELL RemoteGSRM RemoteGTPL RemoteHAIER RemoteHATHWAY RemoteHDIGITAL RemoteHIMACHAL DIGITAL RemoteHM DIGITAL RemoteHOME CABLE RemoteHOME TV RemoteHYTEK RemoteIBON RemoteICC NETWORK DIGITAL RemoteICCHT RemoteICE TV RemoteIMPACT TV RemoteINDEPENDENT RemoteINDIA HITS RemoteINDIGITAL RemoteINFITEL RemoteINSAT DIGITAL RemoteINSPIRE RemoteIPL RemoteIVERSE RemoteJAHO RemoteJAIN HITS RemoteJAIN SATELLITE RemoteJAK RemoteJJ ASSOCIATES RemoteJJM DIGITAL RemoteJPR RemoteKAIZEN RemoteKAON RemoteKCL RemoteKD TV RemoteKERALA VISION RemoteKHMD RemoteKLAS RemoteLINK DIGITAL RemoteLINK SMART RemoteLOGIC-EASTERN RemoteLUCKNOW RemoteLUCKY VVC RemoteLUCY DIGITAL RemoteMALANAD RemoteMANTHAN DIGITAL RemoteMARS-1800 RemoteMAXTONE RemoteMAXUS RemoteMBC DIGITAL RemoteMCBS RemoteMCN RemoteMEDIA VISION RemoteMEGHBELA DIGITAL RemoteMELBON RemoteMERO RemoteMIRAI COMMUNICATION RemoteMLC DIGITAL RemoteMOTOROLA Remotempeg4 RemoteMYBOX RemoteNAV RemoteNEPTUNE RemoteNET TV RemoteNET VISION RemoteNET-9 RemoteNOVA RemoteNP 280 RemoteNXT DIGITAL RemoteOM TV RemoteOMNERO RemoteONDIGITAL RemoteORTEL RemoteOVT RemotePACE RemotePAGARIA RemotePAYNET RemotePDCN RemotePROTECH RemotePRYSM ELECTRONICS RemotePUNE CABLE RemotePVR RemoteRADIANT RemoteRCU RemoteRDCN RemoteREN DIGITAL RemoteRIDDHI SIDDHI RemoteRIDSYS RemoteRM RemoteROYAL RemoteROYAL MAHAR AJA RemoteRRC RemoteRVR RemoteSAIYAM RemoteSAMPARK RemoteSAMSHER RemoteSANSUI RemoteSANTOSH RemoteSCN DIGITAL RemoteSCPL RemoteSCV RemoteSDV RemoteSEA TV RemoteSIGNET RemoteSIM TV RemoteSITI DIGITAL RemoteSK CABLE RemoteSK MEDIA RemoteSKY TV RemoteSKY VISION RemoteSKYMEDIA RemoteSKYNET RemoteSKYSAT RemoteSMR RemoteSOLID RemoteSR DIGITAL RemoteSRC RemoteSRISTI RemoteSSB RemoteSSC RemoteSSCST RemoteSSDM RemoteSTARNET RemoteSTC RemoteSUBODHYA RemoteSUN DIRECT RemoteSWAROOP RemoteTACTV RemoteTATA SKY RemoteTCCL RemoteTCCL RemoteTCN RemoteTERASOF RemoteTHAKUR RemoteTIGER RemoteTRIVENI RemoteTSL DIGITAL RemoteTVN RemoteUCN RemoteUJN RemoteV4 DIGITAL RemoteVASAI CABLE RemoteVCCN RemoteVCV RemoteVICTOR RemoteVIDEOCON RemoteVK DIGITAL RemoteWASAI CABLE RemoteWEZONE RemoteWILLETT RemoteWLL RemoteWVBPL RemoteYASH DIGITAL RemoteYASODEEP RemoteYES DIGITAL RemoteYOUSCOD RemoteYURI RemoteZING TV RemoteZIPPYTEL RemoteZONET Remote5019L Remote7 STAR DIGITAL Remote**** IMPORTANT ****This app needs your phone to have an Infrared sensorNot sure what this means? you can try downloading the app and see if it worksFeatures:* Use your favorite remotes for easy access* NO installation, just click and play* AMAZING design with a cool & easy interface