This application is in development. It started in an academic context. The application intends to facilitate the conversion of 2D sketches from a top perspective into a 3D representation.The main goal of the application is to save time to users by either validating an idea or allowing the user to trash it as fast as possible, if there is a realization that the idea will not work.Currently, 2 modules are available. The first module is focused on terrain modelling. The second one on objects/shapes modelling.###############The Terrain Sketch module: Will generate a 3D terrain based on sketches done by the user, following some rules:- The heights are defined by height curves, such as in elevation maps;- A closed shape, traced in red colour will sink the terrain area contained within;- A closed area in any other primary colour (or also black) will elevate the terrain;- It is possible to combine closed areas of red and other primary colours to generate different elevation patterns; ###############The Object/shape sketch module:Will generate simple geometric objects, based on the closed areas (filled or not) sketched by the user.Sketches on paper using the colours Red, Green, Blue and Black, from a Top perspective, can be processed by this module. Each of the colours used in a sketch will produce 3D elements of different heights.Red will fill the bottom layer, Green the middle, Blue the top and Black will fill all the 3 height layers.This is still an early build in an academic context. Please fell free to feedback.